Page 99 of Wrathful Malice

Oh shit!

“Hey, Ross.” I pinch the bridge of my nose. I can’t believe I fell asleep.

“Apple, where the hell are you?” he demands. “You have studio time right now!”

Squeezing my eyes tight, I try to recall what happened. I remember talking to Malice on the phone, and then I sat down on the bed to eat really quick. The next thing I know, my phone is ringing, and two hours have passed.

I must’ve been more tired than I thought from all the traveling.

“I’m so sorry, Ross.” I spot one of my shirts hanging off the edge of the bed, and I get an idea. “When I, uh, went to lunch, I spilled coffee all over me,” I lie. “I came back to the hotel to change.”

“Oh, okay.” He sighs. “I’ll cover for you this time, but be more careful, okay?”

I roll my eyes. “Of course. I really am sorry.”

“It’s fine. I’ll send the car to the hotel to pick you up. Be ready in fifteen.”

He hangs up before I can respond, and I groan.

“Be more careful next time,” I mutter, mocking Ross. “I’m an adult, dammit.”

The door swings open, and Mark steps into the room before stopping to stare at me.

“What are you still doing here?” His brows arch. “I thought you had another practice this afternoon?”

“Where were you?” I snap as I grab a different shirt out of the closet and head into the bathroom.

“I went down to the pool,” he says. “I told you that before I left.”

I search my brain, and a vague memory surfaces of Mark trying to tell me something while I was on the phone with Malice. Heaving a sigh, I shake my head.

“I sat down for a second and the next thing I know, my phone’s ringing and waking me up.” I holler from behind the bathroom door as I finish changing. “Ross just called, and he sounded pissed. He’s sending a car for me in a few minutes.”

When I step out of the bathroom, Mark is leaning against the door jamb that separates the bedroom from the sitting room.

“You okay?” he asks, concern etched on his face.

“Yep. Why?”

“You just seem frazzled, and it’s not like you to fall asleep in the middle of the day.”

“No shit. But I’m fine. Just a travel hangover.”

Mark shrugs. “Okay. So, why’d you change your shirt?”

“I kinda told Ross that I spilled coffee on it at lunch and came back to the hotel to change.”

Mark snickers. “Well, might as well take this with you.” He holds out a large coffee from the lobby. “I think you need it more than me. Just, uh… don’t spill this one, okay?”

I roll my eyes. “You’re the best.” I grab the coffee, put my cell in my back pocket, and reach for my purse. “Dinner tonight?”

“You bet.”

“See ya tonight!”

The driver is waiting at the hotel entrance when I step through the automatic doors. He opens the door of the black sedan, offering me a small smile as I slide into the backseat. Ten minutes later, we arrive at the studio.

Ross is waiting for me when I walk into the studio, and I apologize again as I step into the sound booth. I slip on the headset and watch for his cue.