Page 10 of Wrathful Malice

“This discussion isn’t over,” Matt insists.

“Keep on telling yourself that, brother of mine.” Jezebel smacks him playfully on the cheek.

We walk through Harry Reid International and the closer we get to the exit, the more I begin to relax. When we step outside, the breeze skitters across my face, and I instinctually press my lips together.

There’s no sand here, dumbass.

I shift my duffel to my other shoulder and see Matt do the same. John’s eyes seem to track our every move, and I worry about what he sees. Too much probably.

“So, where’s your car?” I ask to break the tension.

Jezebel points across the parking lot. “Just up ahead.”

She pulls a set of keys out of her pockets and presses a button. I see headlights flash on a vehicle about thirty yards from us and pick up the pace. All I want to do right now is get to wherever the hell we’re sleeping tonight and crawl into bed.

“Damn,” Matt says when we get to the matte black Charger Jezebel says is hers. “Nice ride, Mary.”

“Jezebel,” she snaps.

“Whatever.” He walks around the vehicle and when he reaches the passenger side, he whistles. “Fuck, this is a nice bike.”

I join him on the other side, and my eyes land on a Harley parked in the spot next to the Charger. It’s black and chrome and clearly taken care of. There’s a skull painted on the gas tank with the words ‘Riding for Purgatory’ underneath.

“Wouldn’t want to fuck with whoever owns this beast,” I say.

John steps up next to me and smirks. “No, you wouldn’t.”

“This is yours?”

“What of it?”

I shake my head. “Nothing, man. It’s nice.”


“Yeah, nice.”

John smacks me upside the head, and instantly, all my tension falls away. This is the John I remember, the John I missed.

“It’s perfect, dipshit.”

I shrug. “Okay. Whatever.”

He smacks me again. “Don’t poo-poo on what you don’t understand.”

“Poo-poo?” I arch a brow. “When did you turn into a granny?” He goes to hit me again, but I block it this time. “You’re not the only one who doesn’t like to be hit.”

“‘Bout time.”


“You’ve been sulking ever since you realized it was me standing next to Mary.”

“J-E-Z-E-B-E-L.” Matt’s twin stomps her foot as if to punctuate each letter.

John tugs on his ear and appears chagrined. “Sorry, Jez.”

“It’s fine. But don’t let it happen again.”