Page 65 of Wrathful Malice

Two seconds later, Fort’s phone dings. He opens the photo and turns the cell so the rest of us can see.

“Holy shit,” Mark mutters.

“Who are they?” I demand.

“It’s…” Mark shakes his head in disbelief. “That’s Jason and Travis.”

Without hesitation, I’m out the door and racing through the clubhouse, my brothers—club and blood—on my heels. I don’t stop to explain, but as I pass Apple, who’s standing in the common room talking to Nikki and Bunny, I grab her hand and drag her along with me.

“Malice, what the…” She tries to break free, but I don’t let her. “What the hell is going on? Where are we going?”

I don’t trust myself to answer, not with the amount of rage slithering through my veins. Instead, I keep my mouth shut and ride the elevator to the garage with her tucked under my arm.

As we’re walking to my Harley, Apple digs in her heels.

“Malice, stop!” she yells. “Tell me where we’re going.”

I stare at her, but then cut my gaze to Mark. I’ll analyze later why he’s who I’m seeking approval for at this moment because right now, I don’t have time to be overthinking shit. When he nods, I return my attention to her.

“Malice?” she pleads, her voice small. “Where are we going?”

“To face your past.”

“Let us in, bitch!”

What the fuck are they doing here?

How did they find me?

Why would they want to?

These questions swirl around on repeat as I stare through the window at the two bastards raising hell on Jez’s porch. I’m so focused on trying to find the answers that I didn’t even realize Rogue opened my door. When we left the clubhouse, I chose to ride in the SUV with him, Thorn, and Mark because I wasn’t sure about being on the back of Malice’s Harley after the awkwardness between us. Needless to say, Malice wasn’t thrilled, but I guess he was in a hurry since he didn’t argue.

“We know you’re fucking here!”

Jason and Travis punch Jez’s front door over and over, demanding entry, demanding… me. Fear skates down my spine, and I want to curl up in the back seat and ignore what’s going on around me, but it’s impossible. I need to get out of this vehicle and face my fears.

My right foot hits the ground, but before I can get my other foot out of the car, a flash of leather-clad fury shoots past me toward the house.

“Get the fuck off my sister’s porch!” Soul shouts as he leaps over the stairs.

But Malice is already there, tackling Travis to the ground. As they roll down the steps in a blur, Soul wraps his arms around a thrashing Jason and carries him to the yard. Malice and Travis continue to struggle on the paved walkway, but Malice gets the upper hand and picks Travis up before leaning close to his face.

“Scream bitch,” he snarls just as he pulls his arm back and delivers a blow directly to Travis’s stomach.

“Look, we don’t want no trouble,” Travis wheezes. “We just came for the singer.”

“You’ll never touch her again,” Malice sneers.

He lands a punch to the prick’s face, and it’s lights out for Travis.

The commotion from Soul and Jason snags my attention, and I watch as the club president is knocked out of the way by Grim. Grim lifts Jason off his feet and slams him to the ground.

“Holy shit,” Mark mumbles as he comes around the SUV to stand by my side. “I want a piece of those fuckers, but I’m not about to break up this party. I’d get my teeth knocked out by a stray punch.”

I know my best friend is trying to lighten the mood, but it doesn’t work. It can’t work because all of my focus, all of my brain power, is zeroed in on the scene before me.

Somehow, Jason frees himself from Grim and takes off running.