Page 53 of Wrathful Malice


Every muscle in my body tenses. “We’re nothing alike.”

“Keep telling yourself that.”

Apple stalks in my direction but bypasses me for her stuff. She opens the luggage and takes out a bundle of clothes. I spot a swatch of black lace in her hand, and my cock hardens at the sight.

Fucking hell…

“I assume there’s towels in the bathroom,” she says.

An image of her naked pops into my mind.

“I, uh…” I try to swallow but my mouth is dry. “Should be.”

“Good. It’s been a long day, and all I wanna do is soak in the tub.” She darts her eyes to the bathroom and back again. “There is a tub in there, right?”

“Um, yeah.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I love Stella and sleeping under the stars, but sometimes, a girl just needs to relax and unwind with some creature comforts, ya know?”


When I continue to stand there like a twelve-year-old boy who’s facing off with his first crush, she rocks back on her heels.

“You just gonna stand here all night, or can I bathe in peace?”

“I… you…” I nod at the door to the suite. “I should go.”

“Yeah.” She starts walking to the bathroom but hesitates before entering and looks over her shoulder at me. “Thanks, Malice.”

“For what?”

She shrugs. “For letting us stay here.”

My brain screams at me to correct her, to tell her that it was put to a club vote, and I lost, but I don’t. She’s not stupid.

“If you need anything, I’m just across the main room. First door on the left of the member’s wing.”

“Member’s wing?”

I grin. “I’ll show you around later if you’re feeling up to it. If not, I can in the morning.”

“Morning would be great,” she says. “I might not be sick anymore, but I still tire out easily. I’m gonna soak and then try to sleep.”


She keeps her eyes on mine for a moment before turning away and stepping into the bathroom. Only, she doesn’t close the door. And I don’t leave like I should.

Apple moves to the left, so I can’t see her, but I can see the mirror. When she strips her shirt off, I stare. When she slides her pants over her hips and they pool on the floor, I run my tongue over my lip as if it will give me an idea of what she tastes like under the blue panties she’s still wearing.

I adjust myself but remain glued to the floor. I know I should move, should run out of this suite as fast as I can… but I can’t.

She must sense that she’s being watched because her eyes cut to the mirror, and then she steps back into the doorway. I brace myself for her outrage, but it doesn’t come. Hell, she doesn’t even cover herself.

No, Apple, the little minx, winks. She fucking winks at me.

Then she grips the door and slowly closes it, cutting herself off from my view.