Page 50 of Wrathful Malice

“It’s better than you unilaterally making the decision for me.”

He tilts his head. “Foryou? And here I thought you were concerned about the club as a whole.”

I wave a hand dismissively. “You know what I meant.”

“Here’s what I know, Malice. I know you don’t want to be near Mark, but he’s family.” When I open my mouth to argue, he holds a hand up and continues. “You were so hurt when you couldn’t find him after we got out of the military, and now you’re so quick to throw away a chance to have him in your life.” Soul shakes his head. “I don’t get it.”

He focuses on his phone and taps out a quick text. There’s a succession of dings as the voting members reply, and just like that, I’m fucked.

It seems I’m the only person who has a problem with Mark staying here.

After returning his cell to his pocket, Soul rests a hand on my shoulder. “They’ll be here in a few hours. I suggest you take that time to wrap your head around this and figure out how to not be a complete fucking asshole when they arrive.”

Soul walks away, and I flop down onto the couch. It’s quiet in the clubhouse today, and now that I’m alone with my thoughts, I don’t like it. I consider retreating to the gym but decide against it. I’m sick and tired of punching a damn leather bag when all I want to punch is Mark’s face.

My mind races as I sit here, and memories carry me to another place and time.

“Still won’t answer?”

I toss my phone on the table and shake my head. I don’t know how Soul managed to get cell service this deep underground so quickly, but I don’t question it. I’ve learned not to question much where he’s concerned.

“The little shit disconnected his phone, too.” I sigh and push myself to my feet. “How am I supposed to focus on anything when my brother is missing?”

Jez stomps into the large room, expression mutinous.

“I swear to God, Soul, if you don’t get those men away from the computers, I’m gonna hurt someone,” she grumbles.

“Lock and Fort aren’t idiots, Mar—” Soul presses his lips into a flat line at his twin’s glare. “Jez, Lock and Fort are members of Saints Purgatory, and I want them involved in the setup of anything techy. Get over it or get out.”

Jez stomps her foot, and before she can throw one of her epic temper tantrums, I march toward her and grab her shoulders.

“Hey, I could use your help with something,” I tell her.

She stares at Soul for a moment before leveling her gaze on me. Her scowl turns to a smile, and my heart clenches at the thought that I have her as an honorary sister, but I can’t even find my blood brother.

“What can I do for you, Malice?”

Jez took to our road names pretty quickly. Although, that shouldn’t surprise me. She goes by a different name, so it’s not hard to grasp that she’d understand us essentially doing the same.

When Grim first mentioned his idea of a motorcycle club, Soul and I were skeptical. We were also tired of all the violence after just being discharged from the military. But the more Grim laid out his ideas, the more we came around. Which is how I find myself in what amounts to a massive underground bunker undergoing renovations to turn it into a clubhouse.

“Ah, Jez, if I hadn’t been around for your puberty stage, there’s a lot you could do for me,” I tease.

“That’s my sister,” Soul barks.

Ignoring him completely, I continue. “Anyway, do you think you could help me track down Mark?”

Now her worry crease shows. “Um… Mark, as in your brother, Mark?”

“Do you know any other Marks?”

“Well, no.” She glances over my shoulder at her brother and then returns her eyes to mine. “Yeah, I can do that. But…”

I stare at her as she chews her bottom lip, and my stomach does a little flip-flop. Jez doesn’t get nervous, not really. And when she does, it’s usually a pretty good bet that shit’s gonna hit the fan. She and Soul have this mostly comforting, and always disgustingly annoying, gut instinct about things. It’s what made him the obvious choice for club president and her, well, her.

“What?” I demand.

“Are you sure you wanna go down that road, Malice? I mean, people don’t usually go off the grid for no reason, ya know?”