Page 39 of Wrathful Malice

“Try to take a deep breath for me,” Abyss encourages. “In through your nose and out through your mouth.” I try, but I can’t stop coughing. “I think you have pneumonia. Without an x-ray, I can’t be sure, but I’m pretty confident that’s what this is.”

“I don’t have time to have pneumonia.” I know I sound like a baby, but I don’t care. I feel like shit.

“Sorry, sweetheart.” Abyss reaches for the IV needle again. “I’m gonna start fluids now because you’re also severely dehydrated. I’ll give you your first dose of antibiotics through the IV. Are you allergic to Rocephin or Prednisone?”

“Nope, not allergic to anything that I know of.”

“Malice, hand me those vials of Rocephin and Prednisone and two syringes.”

Malice digs through the medical bag while Abyss places the IV in my arm. The pediatric needle goes in easier and surprisingly, it doesn’t hurt. I smile at Abyss. “You’re pretty good, Doc. That didn’t hurt at all.”

Malice growls before thrusting the medicine into Abyss’s hands. “You good here?” Malice asks him, completely ignoring me.

“I got her,” Abyss says absently as wipes the IV port with an alcohol swab before measuring the dosage.

“I’m going back to the clubhouse.” Malice pivots and walks out the door before I can even thank him for helping me back into the house.

“Is he always such an ass?” I ask Abyss.

“You have no idea.” He chuckles and gives me the last of the medicine. “You need to stay in bed and rest. After this bag of fluids, I’ll take the IV out. I want to get you hydrated quickly,” he explains. “I’ll leave you antibiotics and steroids with instructions before I leave. Try to get some rest, and I’ll come back and check on you in a couple of hours.”

“How long do you think I’ll be stuck here?”

“I’d say at least a week.” His eyes bore into mine. “If you actuallylistento me and rest and take your medication.”

In no shape to argue, I nod. I’m going to follow his instructions, as much as it pains me, because I need to get back to Vegas as soon as possible. The only way that’s going to happen is if I’m a good patient.

“Get some rest,” Abyss says as he stands to leave.

Once the door shuts behind him, I snuggle under the covers and close my eyes. I try to sleep, but all I can think about is Malice. There’s no denying he’s a cranky asshole with a huge chip on his shoulder, but there’s something about him that makes me wonder what his story is. Ruggedly handsome, strong hands, and eyes that hold a deep-rooted secret, Malice floods my thoughts as I sigh into the pillow.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had any kind of reaction to a man, and it’s surprising that it’s Mark’s brother igniting it. That man is a walking contradiction. He yells and screams at me, questioning my intentions, but in the next breath, he attempts to be kind.

Malice has turned me into a jumbled mess, and I hate the feeling. I have goals and dreams, and I’ll be damned if I don’t reach them because I let my vagina rule my life.

I only have to make it here a week, and then I can go back to Vegas. We probably won’t even see each other again. Which suits me just fine because I don’t want to see him again.

My body shudders at the thought.

Liar! You definitely want to see him again.

“Why areyou sneaking in the back?”

I peer into the shadows and see Rogue standing against the building by the back entrance. He lifts a joint to his lips and inhales deeply, only blowing out the smoke when he can’t hold it in any longer. I reach for the weed, and he hands it to me.

“I’m not sneaking in,” I say after taking a hit.

“Ya know that big sign out front? The one that has the beer mugs and says ‘Purgatory’ in giant neon purple letters?”

“Of course, I do,” I snap.

“Well, that’s where people usually enter the bar… unless they’re sneaking in.”

“Get a lot of people sneaking in, do you?”

I hand him the joint, and he brings it to his lips, but before he takes another hit, he says, “You know what I mean.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m not sneaking in.”