Page 31 of Wrathful Malice

I don’t recognize the queen-size bed or the room I’m in. The room is decorated in muted colors of gray and purple. There are two doors to my left, both of which are shut, and one directly in front of me that is open. I can see the edge of a sink, so I know it has to be a bathroom. Feeling the sudden need to pee, I kick my feet over the side of the bed.

How long was I asleep?

I peer at the clock on the nightstand, and it reads six p.m. My legs shake when I stand so I flatten my palms on the mattress to brace myself. It takes a minute before I feel steady, and I hate the weakness that seems to have taken over my body. Holding on to the bed for support, I move toward the bathroom and feel a little stronger with every step.

After I’m done peeing, I wash my hands and cringe at my reflection in the mirror. My face is flushed with fever, and my eyes are dull. I’m dressed in one of Mark’s t-shirts and a pair of shorts. The clothes are sticking to my skin with sweat, and my hair is disheveled.

Leaning down, I splash some water on my face and then grab the towel hanging by the sink to dry it before smoothing my hair down as best I can. I still look like an extra fromThe Walking Dead,but I feel a little bit better. I look longingly at the shower, but even I’m not dumb enough to try and climb into the tub with absolutely no strength in my body.

Where the hell is Mark? And where the hell am I?

I need to figure out where I am, so I exit the bathroom and open one of the closed doors, hoping it'll lead me to the hall. All I'm met with is a closet full of pillows and changes of sheets, so I move to the next door.


I walk down the hallway toward the stairs, straining to listen for any noise. Damn I hate being in a stranger’s home. I grip the banister and when I slide my foot to the first step, I hear mumbling and footsteps. The voices become clearer by the time I reach the last step.

“Apple is my best friend, Jez,” Mark explains. “I’ve been traveling with her for the past five years. Fuck, she’s like a sister to me.”

“Mark, youhavea family. Hell, you’ve got a brother,” a female responds. “How do you know she won’t take advantage of you? Or us?”

Who does this bitch think she is?

Normally I’d stay calm and rational but right now, I feel like shit and couldn’t care less.

“Mark, Jezisgoing to look into her background,” a deep voice interjects. “You might know her, but we don’t. And I refuse to put my club in jeopardy because of some bitch who just comes waltzing into your life all of a sudden.”

Look into my background? Who the fuck are these people?

I stand still, barely breathing, to see what else they have to say about me. I can understand wanting to know who I am, butI’mMark’s family.I’mthe one who’s been there the last five years, looking after him as much as he’s looked after me.

“Fuck that,” Mark snarls. “First of all, she didn’t just come into my lifeall of a sudden. Second, you’ve met her before, or are you forgetting that she was there when I saved your ass from that fire?” Mark inhales deeply, and I can imagine him using his fingers as he ticks off his points. “And third, Apple isn’t going to do anything to your club, and I sure as hell don’t want any of you looking into her.”

“We need to know who she is and if she’s out to cause trouble,” the female tries to reason.

“Doesn’t matter what the fuck you want, Mark,” the man argues. “What matters is that we have an unknown female in my sister’s home, and you’ve been MIA for five fucking years.”

“You don’t know shit!” Mark yells.

That’s it. I’m done listening.

I walk into the kitchen, shaking uncontrollably. Mark is standing with his back to me, facing off against a man who I vaguely recall but can’t place, and two women are sitting at the table. One of them looks familiar as well, but like the man, I can’t place her.

Moving to stand in front of Mark, I place myself between him and the scary man in a leather vest. I stare up at the man and see a patch with the nameSoul,and underneath there’s another patch that readsPresidenton his leather vest. After seeing his name, everything starts to click into place. This is the guy we rescued from the fire.

Seems the joke was on us.

I step into Soul’s space, not scared at all. I don’t know where I get my sudden burst of courage because he looks like he could break me in half, but when it comes to my family, I will fight you until I have no breath left in my body.

“You better back the fuck off right now,” I say, poking him in the chest. I wish I sounded as pissed off as I am, but I blame my weak tone on whatever illness is zapping my energy. “If I remember correctly,wesaved you and your girlfriend’s life not too long ago, with no fucking questions asked.”

“Little girl, poke me again, and it’ll be the last thing you do,” Soul snarls.

Mark’s chest hits my back, and I know what he’ll do if I don’t handle this. The last thing I want is a fistfight, but I’ll be damned if I let this asshole threaten me. Reaching behind me, I grab Mark’s hand and squeeze.

“Why? You gonna be a big badass man and hit me? Put me in my place?” I ask. “I’m not afraid of macho men like you who think they can intimidate women and threaten them with their size.”

“I never said I’d fucking touch you,” he seethes.