Page 24 of Wrathful Malice

We’re back at our bikes just as sirens fill the air. I don’t know if that panic button the detective hit actually worked or if neighbors heard the gunshot and called the police, but either way, it’s a good thing we’re outta there. The street we’re on isn’t one that needs to be traveled to get to Barrett’s house, so we stand and watch as the flashing red and blue lights whizz by as law enforcement heads to the crime scene.

After tucking my Glock back into my saddlebags, and the others have stowed away their weapons, we take off for the clubhouse. For the first time in months, I don’t feel the driving need to go straight to the gym when we get there. I might not have gotten the kill, but tonight seems to be exactly what I needed to recenter.

Now I just need to figure out how to stay this way.

“I can do this.I can do this.”

Leaning against the pillar behind the stage, I repeat my mantra over and over again. I’m tired, and I haven’t even performed yet tonight. We’ve all been working around the clock, perfecting our duets and working on new original songs to try and gain the attention of agents coming in from California. The first week we performed the duets was amazing.

Where the hell is Mark?

I close my eyes as Kyle finishes his set. Mark saw I was dragging ass and offered to go get me a triple shot of espresso. He better hurry up before I fall to the floor.

“Here.” Mark shoves a coffee cup under my nose.

My eyes snap open, and I breathe in the intoxicating smell of pure caffeine.

“You’re my hero.” I blow on the espresso and drink as fast as I can. It’s so damn hot but burning my tongue is the least of my worries.

“You need a break,” Mark says with a sigh. “You’ve been going nonstop for the past few months.”

“I know. I just need to get through tonight and tomorrow, then I’ll take a day off.”

Tonight is the night we’ve been practicing for. The lounge is packed, and I’m dressed to the nines in tight black jeans, a purple off-the-shoulder sequined top, and a pair of matching stilettos. I’ve topped the look off with smoky eyes, so I appear sultrier for my duet with Kyle. The girls and I went shopping for the showcase, all of us wanting to wear something new. I usually wear more loose-fitting clothes but tonight, I want to make a statement.

I finish my coffee and toss the cup into the trashcan backstage.

“Apple, I’m worried about you.” Mark grabs my hand. “Let’s take a couple days, grab Stella, and go camping. No stress, no performing, just pure relaxation.”

“I’ll think about it.” I squeeze his hand as Kyle finishes his last song. “Wish me luck!”

“You don’t need luck,” Mark retorts. “You were born for the stage. I’ll see ya when you’re done.”

“Thanks for everything Mark, especially the coffee.”


As applause fills the lounge, I give Mark one last wink before he takes off to find a seat in the audience like he does for every performance.

“Thank you, thank you,” Kyle says into the microphone. “I hope you’ve enjoyed the show. I have one more number I’d like to perform for you before I go.” He turns and stretches his arm out toward me. “Joining me on stage to sing the duet ‘In Another’s Eyes’… Let’s welcome Apple!”

The duet goes off without a hitch. Five songs and forty minutes after Kyle leaves me to perform my individual set, I walk off the stage, and Kyle and Mark are in the back waiting for me. My eyelids droop, but I paste a smile on my face and force my eyes to widen. When Mark shakes his head at me, I realize my efforts are in vain. He always sees through my facade.

“Wow!” Kyle pulls me in for a quick hug. “That was amazing! The crowd loved us, and your solo act was on fucking fire!”

“Thanks!” I step back. “I hope someone out there loved the act.”

“He’s right,” Mark agrees. “You were amazing.”

“So, I was thinking for our next duet we co—”

“Apple’s taking a couple of days off,” Mark says.

“What?” Kyle’s eyes dart between me and Mark. “Are you serious? You can’t take a couple of days off. We have to rehearse for the next showcase.”

“Not gonna happen,” Mark insists. “She’s dead on her feet.”

“Shecan speak for herself,” I grind out. “I’m standing right here. Kyle, Mark is right. I need a day or two to regroup.”