Page 117 of Wrathful Malice

“What do you wanna know?”

It doesn’t surprise me that Kyle gives in. What does surprise me is that he’s still conscious. He’s tougher than I gave him credit for.

“Why did you poison me?”

“Seriously?” He glares at her. “I thought you were smarter than that.”

“Is it because of the duets? Because I didn’t want to sign the contract?”

“I wanted you out of the way.”

“Out of the way of what?” Apple cries. “You came to me, remember?”

“I came to you because I was desperate!” he shouts, spittle flying from his lips. “Audiences love you. They hang on your every word, every note. I had to use you to get noticed. And after our first duet performance, peopledidstart to notice. I had fans. But you had more,” he says, his tone full of disgust. “The more I watched you succeed, the more I hated you!”

“I…” Apple shakes her head. “You had that much wrath in your heart for me?”

“I fucking hate you! I wouldn’t have had to work so hard if you hadn’t shown up in Vegas. I’d have been a success without hardly trying.”

“And Mara? What about her?”

“She was just as much a means to an end as your boy, Mark was.”

“What does that even mean?”

“It means she served a purpose.”

“And Sydney? Is she in on this too?”

“That bitch?” Kyle shakes his head. “No. I wouldn’t trust her with something so important. She’d have run to the cops in a heartbeat.”

A thought occurs to me, and I hesitate to even bring it up, but I need to know.

“What about Travis and Jason?” I demand, and Apple levels her gaze on me.

“You think…” Her forehead wrinkles. “No.”

“You’re smarter than you look,” Kyle says. “Those two shit for brains came to Vegas looking for Apple. Apparently, they’d been following her career and saw that she was performing there.” He slides his eyes to Apple. “I don’t know what the fuck you did to piss them off, but man, my hatred for you has nothing on theirs.”

“They attacked me in an alley and would’ve raped me if Mark hadn’t stepped in!” Apple shouts.

“Well, they were out for blood. I wasn’t gonna give them information, but you didn’t die the first time I tried, so I told them where you were staying. Too bad they fucked up.”

“They might’ve fucked up, but I didn’t,” I snarl. “They’re dead.” I sweep my arms to indicate the room. “Right here, in fact.”

All color leaches from Kyle’s cheeks, but he hardens his expression. “I’m guessing they didn’t talk.”

“That’s cute,” I comment dryly.


“That you still think you’re getting outta here alive,” I say. “No one fucking gets outta here with a beating heart.”

He darts his eyes from me to Apple. “But you said if I—”

“I lied.”

Kyle suddenly starts thrashing, struggling against the barbed wire, doing irreparable damage to himself.