Page 97 of Wrathful Malice

“You’ll have to ask her that. I’m not her keeper.”

“You’re not…” I take a steadying breath, but the calm I’m seeking doesn’t come. “I sent you with her to keep an eye on her, to keep her safe. That’s the very definition of her fucking keeper,” I snarl.

“Malice, bro, c’mon,” he cajoles. “You and I both know Apple is capable of taking care of herself. I couldn’t be her keeper any more than I could harness the damn wind. Although, that would be co—”


“What’s really going on here?” he asks. “Because Apple wanting an attorney isn’t a bad thing. It’s therightthing. So… what’s the problem?”

It’s infuriating being put into my place by my little brother, but one thing I’m coming to realize since reconnecting with him is he’s not little anymore. He’s lived this whole life in the last five years that I wasn’t a part of, that made him wiser than he should’ve had to be.

“I just…” I thrust a hand through my hair. “Apple and I are new, ya know? I don’t like being kept in the dark about shit. Secrets never lead to anything good.”

Mark sighs, and the weight of the world is in that sigh. Guilt pierces my heart, but I push it aside. If he wants to talk about all that weight, he would.

“Apple had shit scheduled at the studio all day today,” he explains. “I’m guessing she’ll fill you in when she can. As for her calling Cece before you? Dude, you’ve gotta find a way to live with the fact that she’s independent because that’s never going to change, no matter how caveman you are.”

“I don’t like—”

“Secrets,” he finishes for me. “Yeah, I kn—”

“Hey, Mark.”

Apple’s voice fills the background, and some of my tension eases.

“Malice is on the phone,” he tells her. “Come calm his ass down before he strokes out.”

Shuffling noises filter through the line as he hands her the cell, and then she speaks, and my heart settles.

“Why are you about to stroke out?” she asks.

I huff out a breath. “I’m not.”

“Then why does Mark think that?” She doesn’t give me a chance to respond before saying, “Wait. You called Mark? That’s progress.”

“I called him because I couldn’t get a hold of you,” I bite out, hating that my frustration isn’t as controlled as I’d like it to be. “Why didn’t you answer?”

“First of all, you don’t own me,” she snaps. “I’m not at your beck and call, and I never will be. Just because we’re together doesn’t mean I can’t have a life outside of you.” She inhales deeply before continuing her rant. “Second of all, I was carrying shit and couldn’t get to the phone.”

“But you could call Cece and ask for an attorney,” I bark.

“Oh my God. Is that what this is? That I didn’t call you immediately when I needed something?”

“Why do you need an attorney?”

“I need an attorney who can help me go through the recording contract I was given because I’m not happy about some of the terms, and I want to cover my ass,” she says with a sigh. “I called Cece because I remembered her telling me her best friend is an attorney so I knew she could help point me in the right direction. The record label wants me to agree to three years and a duet album with Kyle before I can do anything on my own. The royalties they want seem like a lot, and I need a lawyer to look things over and see if my fears are founded or if I just have no clue about this business and need to suck it up for a few more years in order to get what I really want.” She pauses but continues before I have a chance to say a word. “And I was going to call and fill you in after I got back to the hotel room, but I was hungry, so I stopped to pick up some damn food first!”

All of my worry, all of my frustration vanishes at her ire. “Oh.”

“Oh? Oh?” She chuckles, but it’s full of sarcasm. “All you have to say for yourself is ‘oh’?”

“Apple, I’m…” Dammit, this is hard for a man like me. “I’m sorry, okay. I overheard Cece talking to Carmella about you needing a fucking attorney, and my mind spun out of control. I was worried. And then I couldn’t get in touch with you, so my worry spiraled.”

“You called me once, Malice,” she says. “Once.”

“I won’t apologize for worrying about you,” I say stubbornly.

“I’m not saying you can’t worry. But you can’t treat me like a child or expect me to sit by the phone waiting for you to call. I’m trying to build my career, Malice,” she says. “What happens when it finally takes off and I’m on the road for tours and stuff? You have the club and won’t always be able to be with me. I’m not harping on you about that so why are you not giving me the same courtesy?”