Page 51 of Wrathful Malice

Shaking my head to dislodge the memory, I stand and stride toward the member’s wing of the clubhouse. I pass Bunny and Nikki, who are both carrying sheets and towels as they head to the clubhouse wing where there are extra suites for guests.


How the fuck did I get to the point where I think of my own brother as a guest?

I spend the next two hours in my room, contemplating how I’m going to manage in such close proximity to two people who bring out the worst in me. By the time Soul texts me, ordering me to return to the main area and show Mark and Apple to their rooms, I have nothing figured out.

“I’m really sorry about this.”

Apple’s smoky tone carries through the air and teases my ears as I make my way toward where she’s standing with Mark and Soul in the main room. The fact that I’m drawn to her the instant she’s within hearing distance pisses me off, and I scowl.

“Nothing to be sorry about,” Soul assures her. “You’re family, and we always step up for family.”

“Tell that to him,” she responds, nodding her head at me.

Soul looks over his shoulder and glares at me a moment before giving me his back. “Don’t worry about him. His bark is worse than his bite.”

“His bark doesn’t mean shit,” Mark gripes.

Soul stiffens, but he says nothing as I reach them and rest a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll take it from here, Prez.”

He nods and walks away, leaving me to do as ordered and show them around. My best friend might worry about me, might give me a hard time when my attitude gets to be too much, but he knows I’ll follow orders.

“Just point us in the right direction, and we’ll get outta your fucking way,” Mark demands.

Apple elbows him in the gut, and he shoots her a look in return.

“Be nice,” she snaps.

“You don’t know him like I do,” Mark mutters.

“Like you do?” I ask, grabbing his arm and forcing him to face me. “You don’t know me. You don’t know shit.”

“I know enough.”

“I swear on all that’s unholy, keep it up, and I’ll beat your ass fro—”

“Stop it!” Mark and I whip our heads in Apple’s direction at her shout. She takes a deep breath, and I can’t stop the relief when the action doesn’t start a coughing fit. “You are two grown-ass men. Do you think you could act like it?” Before either of us can respond, she points at me. “I get that you don’t want us here, but it seems you don’t have a choice. Suck it up, buttercup. It’s not forever and before you know it, we’ll be gone, and you can go back to ignoring the fact that you have a younger brother.”

Mark thrusts a hand through his hair, and I do the same. It’s not lost on me that we have almost identical reactions, identical movements. That fact does little to cool my blood, but my beef isn’t with Apple, so I make a snap decision.

“Is that all you have?” I ask, nodding at the small suitcase sitting at her feet.


I pick up the luggage. “I’ll show you to your rooms real quick, and if you want a tour of the clubhouse, I can show you around.”

Mark eyes me suspiciously. “Why the sudden change of heart?”

“Nothing’s changed,” I snap. “But I’m stuck with you whether I like it or not. That’s not Apple’s fault, so I’m not gonna take it out on her. Gotta problem with that?”

“He doesn’t,” Apple says, and I stifle a laugh at the way she stares at him, daring him to argue.

Chick’s got loyalty in spades and a spine… dammit, I like her.

I lead them through the room to the hall, and when we reach the first suite, Mark immediately claims it.

“Don’t you think you should let Apple choose which one she wants?” I ask, annoyed that he’s putting more distance between me and his friend.