Page 36 of Wrathful Malice

I look around for his bag and spot it on the floor at the foot of the bed. After grabbing the smaller needle and some more gauze, I put on a pair of surgical gloves so I can assist him if necessary.

“Thanks,” Abyss says when I hand him the supplies. “Apple, darlin’, I need to get this IV inserted so we can get some fluids in you. You’re severely dehydrated. Once I do that, I can assess you further.”


“You doin’ okay?” Mark asks. “I know you hate this, but if it’ll make you feel better…”

“I’m fine, Mark,” Apple says. “Promise.”

“Jesus, you two just don’t quit, do you?” I mutter.

“Abyss?” Apple rolls her neck and glances at my club brother.


“I’m gonna need you to stop what you’re doing, just for a minute,” she says, her voice weak.

“Just give m—”


Abyss sighs before removing the original needle from her arm and the used supplies.

“Thank you,” Apple says sweetly as she rolls toward us and swings her legs over the edge of the bed. Then she tips her head back and glares at me. “You are a dick.”

“Excuse me?” I say, arching a brow.

She tries to stand and when she wobbles, I reach out to steady her. At the same time, Mark lunges across the bed to do the same, but Apple swats us both away. Mark swears under his breath but backs down. I, on the other hand, don’t.

“I might not like you,” I begin. “But I’ll be damned if I let you fall and crack your head open. That’d only keep you guys here longer, and I’m not about to let that happen.”

“What the hell is your problem?”

“My problem?” I remove my hands when I’m sure she won’t fall and cross my arms over my chest. “You and him,” I say, nodding at Mark.

Apple stares at me, and my heart squeezes at how pale she is, how dull her eyes are. She might be my brother’s girlfriend, but the first time I saw her, she was vibrant and full of life. Despite my constant bitching about the two of them, there’s no denying that she made me harder than granite back then. Now though? Now she looks… pathetic. Don’t get me wrong, she’s still beautiful, but the beauty is masked by the sickness.

And I don’t like it… not one fucking bit.

What the hell is wrong with me?

“How are we your problem?” Apple says, her face flushing with anger.

“Apple, please sit down,” Mark says from behind her. “You’re working yourself up.”

“I’m a grown-ass woman,” she snaps as she quickly glances over her shoulder. “I appreciate you looking out for me, Mark, but I can take care of myself.”

When she swings her head back toward me, she sways. “Yeah, you’re doing such a bang-up job,” I mutter.

“Seriously, what is your problem with us?” she asks.

“My problem is that my brother disappeared for years without a word as to why, and now he’s bringing his bitch here because he needs our help.” I turn away from her and begin to pace. “I’m not good enough to call, but I’m good enough to take advantage of my friends when he needs something.”

“Malice, this isn’t the time,” Abyss comments.

“It’s exactly the time!” I shout. “Soul wanted me here, you dragged me here, so I’m fucking here!”

“Okay, so you’ve got brother issues,” Apple says. “What’s your problem withme?”