Page 120 of Wrathful Malice

“He told me he loved me,” I say proudly.

“Oh, so you’re ready… wait, what?” Cece’s head swivels to Malice and back to me. “He told you he loved you?!”

As if alerted by Cece’s loud declaration, Mark saunters over to our little group. “What’s going on?”

Everyone else is now staring at us, clearly drawn by the sudden commotion.

“Malice loves me,” I say to Mark as I peek up at his brother. “And I love him.”

The common room breaks out into cheers. The men move toward us to pound Malice on the back and give him brotherly hugs, and the ladies sweep me up into their circle. I watch Mark walk over to his brother, and my breath catches.

Please don’t fight. Please don’t fight.

They stare at each other, neither one moving. But then Mark grins and gives Malice a hug. Malice’s mouth falls open, but he hugs him back, both of them thumping the other’s back. I inch toward them, wanting to give them some brother time without interruption, but also wanting to be near Malice.

Mark steps away from Malice and pulls me into his chest. “I’m happy for you,” he says.

Malice growls, and I’m quickly released.

I glare at Malice but speak to Mark. “Thanks.”

“Better not hurt her, bro.” Mark starts toward the bar. “I’d hate to have to kill my own brother,” he calls over his shoulder.

“You can fucking try,” Malice yells back. Mark flips him off, and I chuckle at their antics. “What are you laughing at?” Malice asks me.

“I’m glad you guys are working on your relationship.”

I turn on my heel to go join the ladies, but Malice grabs my arm and spins me back around.

“I need to show you something.”

He appears nervous, which is unlike him.


“Take a ride with me?”

“Let me go grab my jacket.”

Luckily, I’m already wearing jeans and my boots. I run to Malice’s room, pull my hair up into a messy bun, grab my jacket, and head back to the common room. Malice stretches his arm out when he sees me, and I grab his hand without a second thought.

We ride around for a couple of hours, but I know we’re heading in the direction of Boulder City. When we reach the city limits, Malice slows his speed, and then stops in front of a beautiful brick building with a huge picture window.

“What’s this place?” I ask as Malice helps me off his motorcycle.

He shrugs and steps onto the curb. He digs into his pocket and pulls out a set of keys as he strides to the door to unlock it. Malice rests his hand on my lower back and gently pushes me through the doorway. Malice flicks the light switch, and a large space is revealed. It’s dirty and dingy, and dust tickles my nose.

“Um, why’d you bring me here?”

“Follow me.”

He leads me down a hallway and opens the first door we come to, waving his hand for me to go first.

“I’m still not sure what this place is,” I say.

“Close your eyes,” he commands, and I do. “Now, picture this… A state-of-the-art soundboard, multiple computers, mixing board, and two workstations.”

My eyes fly open, and I stare at him as my mouth drops open. “What are you trying to say?” I ask.