Two hours later, I realize my mistake.
Kennedy shed her leather jacket and boots shortly after her sixth shot, but that was five shots ago. I picked them up from the floor and tucked them behind the bar, so they didn’t get ruined. And now I’m sitting on a stool, nursing my fifth beer, and watching her shake her ass toCountry Girlby Luke Bryan. For someone who’s never really let loose, she’s sure figured it out.
And I’m not the only one noticing. Fortunately for my brothers, they keep their eyes in their head and their hands to themselves, so they all get to live to see another day.
“What’s she got that I don’t have?”
I slowly turn to glare at Minnie. “Everything.”
Minnie brazenly steps between my legs and grabs my crotch. “Gimme another chance, Dip,” she purrs. “I can be everything to you, if you let me.”
I open my mouth and reach for her wrist to remove her hand, but she’s yanked backward and falls to her ass. Kennedy stands there, sweat glistening across her face, looking like some sort of avenging angel in black.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she seethes as she stand over Minnie, her feet braced on either side of her torso. “Were you propositioning my man?”
Minnie, the stupid bitch, sneers. “He was mine before you showed up.”
I shoot to my feet. “I was ne—”
“He might have been yours in the past, but the past is over!” Kennedy shouts.
I take a step toward the women, but a hand stretches across my chest, and I glance to my right to see Laney standing there shaking her head.
“Let her handle it,” she says. “If it gets too outta hand, we’ll step in. Promise.”
“It better not get outta hand,” I snarl, but I back off.
“Bitch, you’ll never satisfy a man like Dip.” Minnie smirks. “Your cunt’s too vanilla.”
“But I bet it’s not as loose as yours,” Brady taunts from across the room.
“Shut the fuck up, Brady,” Minnie screeches.
Kennedy leans down and goes to grab Minnie’s top, but Minnie yanks her off her feet, and they roll around on the floor. It’s killing me not to step in, but Kennedy winds up on top, so I hold back.
“If you so much as breathe within ten feet of Dip again,” Kennedy snarls. “It’ll be the last thing you ever fucking do.”
“Fuck you, bitch,” Minnie spits.
“No, fuck you and your stanky twat,” Kennedy counters. She hauls her arm back and rams her fist into Minnie’s face, sending blood spurting from her nose. “Next time, it’ll be a boot heel up the ass.”
Kennedy shoves off of Minnie and tries to get to her feet, but she sways. The party ground to a halt the moment Kennedy yanked Minnie away from me, and there’s a giant circle of spectators formed.
Grace and Fallon step up and make sure Kennedy doesn’t fall while Sami and Laney each grab one of Minnie’s arms and drag her out of the clubhouse.
As for me, well, I’m too stunned to do anything, but a slap on my back jolts me out of my trance.
“Dude, she’s perfect for you.”
I glance at Snow and nod. “Yep.”
“But she’s looking a little green, so you might want to get her home.”
I whirl to look at Kennedy and see Fallon and Grace guiding her to a couch. Rushing toward them, I grin.
Definitely checked a few boxes tonight.
“C’mon, Kennedy,” I say as I lift her into my arms. “Let’s get you tucked in for the night.”