Page 11 of Dip's Flame


“Because I’m a widow,” I blurt.

Jenny’s face falls, and she reaches for my hand. “I’m so sorry.”

“Thanks,” I mumble automatically. “But it’s okay. Really.”

“How long were you married?”

“Ten years.”

“Damn, that’s rough.”

I huff out a breath. “Rough. Yeah, you’d think, wouldn’t you?”

She narrows her eyes. “Not a good marriage?”

“An arranged marriage.”

Jenny whistles. “People still do that?”

I laugh, but there’s no humor in it. “In my world… my previous world, yes.”

“So, I was right,” she says. “You’re not from here.”

I shake my head. “No. I grew up in Rhode Island, but after my husband died, I had to get out of there.”

“How long have you been in town?” She waves her hand. “Ya know what? Never mind. I’m being nosey.”

“It’s fine, really,” I assure her with a smile. “Honestly, it’s nice to talk to someone who isn’t judging me.”

“Honey—” She presses her lips together and tilts her head. “I never got your name.”

I thrust my hand across the bar, and she clasps it. “I’m Kennedy. Kennedy St—”Nope. I never wanted Michael’s last name and there’s no reason to keep using it.“Kennedy Hollings,” I finish.

“I’m Jenny Barlow,” she says. “And no judgment here.”

“Thanks.” I take a deep breath. “And to answer your question, I’ve been in Denver for two days. I’m hoping to stay, but I need to find a job and a place to live first.”

Jenny grins. “Well, you’re in luck.”

“How so?”

“It just so happens I’ve got an efficiency apartment upstairs that’s sitting empty. If you wanna stick around, I can show it to you after I close up.”

“Oh, wow. That’s, uh, that’s very nice of you. But I should probably find a job first.”

“I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you don’t have much work experience.”

I bristle at her assessment. Not because she hurt my feelings, but because she’s right. How the hell am I going to get a job with no experience?

“No, I don’t,” I admit. “I’ve got a nursing degree but don’t really want to be a nurse.”

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

“I… well, I don’t know. No one’s really asked me that before.” I shake my head. “Why am I telling you my life story? You’ve got work to do, I’m sure. I’m sorry for taking your time.”

I move to slide off the stool, but Jenny’s words stop me.