Page 81 of Dip's Flame

I’ve been fully in charge of the security system in the city, and Snow defers to me when it comes to anything regarding that. He’s been delegating a lot more lately. He’s the best president, but he’s also a husband and father, and as important as the club is, family should take priority whenever it can.

“We’re on it,” they say in unison.

Since we rolled out the system across the city, crime has gone down significantly. Ninety percent of the businesses downtown have let us take over their security, and we even made a deal with the police force where they’d look the other way if we had to dish out our brand of vigilante justice.

Of course, the very large donation we made to the department didn’t hurt. Not to mention the fact that letting us do our thing allows them to have a better chance of going home to their families at night.

Knowing that Toga and Magic will handle whatever the alert was for, I return my attention to Kennedy.

“Are you hungry?” I ask her.

“Starving,” she groans. “Do you have any idea how little I’ve eaten today to make sure this dress fit?”

Our guests start to head to the pavilion, where we’ll have a buffet style meal and do all that wedding cake bullshit. Then we’ll head back to the clubhouse for the real party to begin.

I lean forward and nip at her ear. “You look stunning.”

“Thank you.”

“Let’s go eat.”

We walk hand in hand to join everyone. Kids are running around playing, adults are stuffing their faces, and I soak it all in. I always knew I wanted a family, I just never dreamed it would include so many people.

Life doesn’t get much better than this.



“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Kennedy!” Jenny calls from her seat at a picnic table. “Hurry up so we can cut the cake.”

“We’re coming,” she shouts back.

“Is she pregnant again?” I ask. “Because she craved cake like crazy when she was.”

“I don’t think so,” Kennedy says. “But God help Little Man if she is.”

We take a few more steps, but then Kennedy digs in her heels and forces me to stop.


“Yeah?” I ask, turning back to look at her.

Kennedy averts her eyes, which she hasn’t done in so damn long.

“Kennedy,” I growl.

When she looks at me, her irises sparkle with unshed tears, but she’s smiling.

“Dip, I think I’m craving cake.”

If you loved Satan’s Legacy MC, check out Soulless Kings MC:

Fender: Book #1