“Fuck, shit, damn, motherfucker, ass, bitch, ahhhhhhhh!” I shout at the top of my lungs. “My parents can go fuck themselves with a, with a… they can go fuck themselves however people fuck themselves!”
I grin, feeling calmer than I have in years.
Suddenly, I know what I’m going to do next.
I’m going to leave Rhode Island.
It takes me less than twenty minutes to pack up my stuff. The majority of my clothes are in a heap on the bedroom floor because I hate them, but the few pairs of jeans and t-shirts get tossed into a suitcase. I gather my toiletries and makeup and dump them in with the clothes.
Next, I move to the shoebox in the closet where I’ve hidden my money. I open it and count the bills, and my body deflates when I realize just how little I have.
Michael may have been rich, but I don’t have access to his money. Not yet anyway. And there’s no way in hell I’m sticking around to wait on the reading of the will and all that to get sorted out.
Twenty-seven hundred dollars won’t last very long, not if I need to completely rebuild my life in a new location. But it’ll get me out of the state, and at the moment, that’s all I care about.
I put all but five hundred bucks back in the shoe box and tuck the rest in my purse. Then I add the box of cash to my suitcase. Zipping it, I wrack my brain for anything I might be forgetting and come up empty.
When I return to the garage, I toss my suitcase and purse on the passenger seat of the Corvette before climbing into the driver’s seat. I adjust the mirrors and then turn the vehicle on. She purrs to life, and I rest my hand on the dash.
“It’s you and me, baby,” I say to the machine. “We’re gonna go find us a life and learn how to live it.”
“Hey, sugar.”
Lowering my beer bottle, I narrow my eyes at Minnie. Last time I caught a glimpse of her, she was on her knees in front of one of the couches, sucking off Spark, the club treasurer. I look over her head and see Spark zipping his jeans as he heads toward the stairs, a satisfied grin on his face.
“Hey, Minnie.”
As a club whore, she bounces from one cock to the next every chance she gets. Every brother knows she’s trying to attach herself to one of us in order to elevate her status within the club, but it’ll never happen. Those of us still unattached have zero interest in tying ourselves to secondhand pussy for the rest of our lives.
Minnie takes a step closer and presses her palm to my chest. “What’re you doing standing here all alone?”
I wrap my hand around her wrist and remove her touch. I’ve fucked Minnie, several times but lately, club whores don’t do a damn thing for me. The thought of sinking my cock into a hole that’s been drilled more times than an oil reserve doesn’t hold the same appeal it once did.
The more I watch my brothers find their ol’ ladies, the more I wonder if there’s someone out there for me.And just me.
“If I’m alone, there’s a reason,” I grumble.
Minnie bats her lashes. “C’mon, sugar,” she purrs. “Why don’t you take me back to yo—”
“Not interested,” I snap.
“I bet I can get you interested,” she says as she reaches for the button of my jeans.
“Touch me, and you’ll live to regret it,” I snarl.
When Minnie pouts, her bright red painted bottom lip pathetically wobbling, I roll my eyes. If I thought for a second that I’d actually hurt her feelings, I’d feel guilty. But I didn’t hurt her. Pissed her off, maybe, but I can live with that.
“You’re an ass,” she hisses when I simply stare at her.
“Walk away, Minnie,” I urge. “Before you say something that you can’t take back.”
She looks as if she’s going to argue but then she huffs out a breath and whirls around to stomp across the room in search of a willing target. I drain the rest of my beer before turning to set it on the bar but freeze with it hovering just above the wooden surface.