The next hour goes by slowly, me staring at the monitors, Kennedy oblivious to my eyes all over her. But then I catch a familiar flash of bitch on the screen from the camera by the door, and my muscles tense.
Minnie is at Barlow’s, and she’s not alone. I don’t recognize the man she’s with, but he’s muscled and tall, and I immediately have a visceral reaction.
Darting out of the guard shack, I climb on my Harley and fire her up. I pull out my cell and shoot off a quick mass text, knowing someone needs to cover here for me. I include Little Man on the text, despite that not being protocol because he’s a prospect. Protocol can go fuck itself as he’s probably closer to Barlow’s than anyone else.
Me: Trouble at Barlow’s… someone cover the gate
Shoving my phone into my cut, I peel away from the compound and race to the city.
What the fuck is Minnie thinking?
She’s not, and that’s the problem. Minnie never thinks with anything other than her cunt, and it’s going to get her dead. She’s already been banned from the clubhouse after what happened at the party, and if I know that vindictive bitch as well as I think I do, she’s out for blood. Kennedy destroyed her plans to become an ol’ lady.
Kennedy didn’t destroy shit. Minnie did that all on her own.
Fifteen minutes and a whole lot of worrying later, I park at the curb in front of Barlow’s and hop off my bike. When I step inside, the rumble of another motorcycle drifts through the door, and I glance over my shoulder to see Little Man parking.
“Get the fuck out of here!”
I whirl around and see Kennedy backed up against the shelf behind the bar, Minnie blocking her in. The bitch’sdateis standing behind her, not doing anything, but not stopping it either.
Not that I thought he would.
I shove my way through the crowd, disgusted at the phones pointed in Kennedy’s direction. People would rather get a video for social media than help a woman.
“He won’t want your rotten snatch when I’m done with you,” Minnie snarls.
I launch myself over the bar, and as my feet hit solid ground, I shove the man out of the way before wrapping my arms around Minnie and throwing her to the floor. Knowing Little Man is right behind me, I focus on Kennedy.
Framing her face in my hands, I ask, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she responds. “Just a little shaken up.” She peeks around me and scowls. “And a little annoyed that no one even tried to step in.”
“Get your goddamn hands off me!” Minnie shouts.
I spare her a glance over my shoulder and laugh when I see Little Man lifting her off the floor and throwing her over his shoulder.
“Take her to the shed and let Magic deal with her,” I order. “She’s caused enough trouble.”
“You got it,” Little Man quips as he carries her toward the door.
“My boyfriend will come for you!” Minnie screams.
I search for the man he was with, but I don’t see him. Somehow, he managed to get away. But we’ve got his face on camera, so we’ll find him.
Returning my attention to Kennedy, I smile. “Why don’t you call Jenny and see if she’s good with you closing early?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “I’m not closing early. The whole scene is over and done. I’m fine.”
“Then I’m sticking around until your shift ends.”
“Fine.” Kennedy stretches her neck and kisses me on the cheek. “Thank you for coming.”
“I’ll always come, no matter what.”
She nods before getting back to work. The chaos dies down, and phones disappear into pockets as customers return to drinking and socializing. I, on the other hand, am a giant mass of chaotic thought.