Page 55 of Dip's Flame

Kill? Die?

The thought of Dip dying twists my stomach into knots and sends my heart into overdrive.

“It means if another man so much as looks at you cross-eyed, he better watch out,” Grace says, fanning herself. “I, for one, think it’s very hot when they get all possessive.”

“But…” I chew on my bottom lip. “I’m a widow! My husband just died a few weeks ago.”


All eyes turn to me, and it’s Jenny who breaks the tension.

“That wasn’t a marriage, that was an arrangement you were forced into, honey,” she says softly. “But none of that matters. The heart wants what the heart wants.”

This is all starting to feel very familiar. Dip claiming me, these women telling me it’s a good thing. Michael claimed me, and the church, my parents, all told me it was a good thing.

But it wasn’t.

“What about whatIwant?” I ask quietly.

“Well, what do you want?” Sami counters.

I mull it over, let the question zigzag through my brain for a moment. And each time it zigs, I force it to zag because the answer flashing at each corner scares me.

Taking a deep breath, I spit out what seems to be the only response.

“Dip. I want Dip.”



“Who are you?”

I smirk at Duck, who’s sitting across from me at the table in church. We’re meeting to discuss how the new security system and monitoring rotation is going for Barlow’s, as well as to make a plan for presenting the entire shebang to other businesses in the city.

Duck glances at Spark. “Do you know who this guy is?” he asks, pointing at me.

“Fucking hell,” I snap. “I get that I’ve been a little preoccupied, but it’s not like you haven’t seen me at all the last week.”

Snow glares at Duck. “Give him a break, D,” he says dryly. “He hasn’t figured out that work-life balance yet. Besides, you remember what it was like, right? In the beginning, you want to spend all your time with the woman you love.”

“In the beginning?” Carnie taunts. “Prez, it’s been several years since you and Sami shacked up, and you still spend more time with her than the rest of us.”

“Yeah, well…” Snow grins. “Sami can do a lot more for me than all of you jackasses.”

Everyone laughs at that but me. Duck’s right that I haven’t been around as much, and I feel bad about that. But then I remember what Kennedy looks like asleep in my bed, and all guilt vanishes.

Fuck ‘em. I want to be with Kennedy… even if it is just to hang out or sleep.

“Please tell me she’s at least a freak in the sheets,” Brady says. “Because she’s nice and all, but a little too girl-next-door for me.”

“Let’s get shit rolling,” I demand, not wanting to discuss sex with Kennedy, or lack thereof.

“No,” Duck groans. “You haven’t fucked her yet, have you?”


“Not that it’s any of your business, but no,” I admit.