Page 21 of Dip's Flame

“But I do want answers,” I insist.

“She’s right,” Dip says quietly. “But even if you did want answers, we couldn’t give them to you.”

I press my fingers to my temples to ease the forming headache. I know I wanted to find a new life, but this is… not necessarily what I had in mind.

What did you have in mind?

“Anyway,” Snow says. “We’re proposing…”

Jenny and I listen intently as Snow, Duck, and Dip lay out their plan to beef up security and make downtown Denver safer. The entire time they talk, I try to digest the information, but it’s made difficult because Dip stares at me like there’s no one else in the room. Even when he’s talking, he talks to me and only me.

“So, whaddya think?” Snow asks when they’re done.

“Do we need to decide right now?” I ask, surprised that I’m even aware that a question was asked.

Snow shakes his head. “No, but there’s really no point in waiting.”

“Can you give us a minute?” Jenny asks.


Jenny grabs my hand and drags me into the small kitchen behind the bar. She closes the door behind us and guides me to the opposite side of the room.

“Holy shit!” she exclaims.


“I didn’t get a chance to tell you, but Dip has been in here every night sincethatnight.”


“And he’s been asking about you.”

But why?

“I don’t understand.”

“Kennedy, that man has a hard-on for you, and judging by the way you drooled over him the entire time we were out there,” she says, hitching her thumb toward the door. “You like him.”

“I don’t know him!” I remind her. “And I’m a widow.”

“Weren’t you the one who was just talking about how you came to Colorado to start over, to find herself, to learn how to live?”

“Well, yeah, but—”

“But nothing,” she insists. “This is perfect. It’s fate.” Jenny bounces on her toes. “We’re gonna take the club up on their offer, and as the new assistant manager, you’re gonna be the contact person.”

“But I don’t even know what being an assistant manager means.” I begin to pace. “What if I screw up? What if I can’t handle it? What if—”


I stop and whirl around to face her. “What?”

“What if it all works out?” Jenny asks softly. “What if you find exactly what you never knew you wanted?”

What if after what if plays through my mind as I consider her question. It’s only been two weeks since I buried a husband I never wanted, but it’s been twenty-nine years since I started living my life for everyone else but me.

For almost three decades, I followed all the rules my parents and the church set out for me. I never balked or made a move that wasn’t already planned ahead of time. And where did that get me?