Page 2 of Dip's Flame

A woman with perfectly styled silver hair calls out to him from the end of the hall, and he walks away. I watch him retreat, and when he reaches her, he leans in to whisper something. They both look back at me with odd expressions, but I dismiss it.

If there’s anything my life has taught me, it’s that people are judgmental about things they don’t understand. I’m now the nineteen-year-old wife of a fifty-two-year-old. I’m bound to get a few curious glances. It won’t matter that this marriage isn’t what I wanted, that I had no choice. It won’t occur to others that I could possibly be unhappy.

All people will see is a gold digger, and I’ve accepted that.

I hold my hand out and splay my fingers. Staring at the diamond winking back at me, I sigh. People will see this rock and think I’ve got it made. They’ll see the large home I now reside in and wonder if I fucked my way into it. They’ll see my expensive wardrobe, my fancy car, and my doting husband and speculate behind my back.

They’ll see me and…

Not seemeat all.



“We ride out in an hour!”

“Heard, Prez,” I call through the motel room door.

We’ve been away from the clubhouse for a week now, and today is the day Satan’s Legacy MC leaves its mark on Sante Fe, New Mexico. It’s also the day we end a miserable human being's life, but when you fuck with one of our own, that’s what you get.

None of us care that we’ll be the only ones aware of what we’ve done. Cam Slate will be eliminated, and that’s all that matters. If anyone misses the sorry sack of shit, fuck ‘em. He deserves what’s coming to him.

When Snow called an emergency church session last Saturday night, my brothers and I knew it wasn’t to give us all a cookie for good behavior. Something bad was going down, and there wasn’t a single one of us who wasn’t there for it.

As I gather my belongings and shove them in my duffel, I’m startled by pounding on the door.

“Jesus,” I mutter, striding to the door.

Yanking it open, I’m surprised to find Magic, the club’s enforcer, standing there, a murderous glint in his eye.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“What’s up?” he repeats as he strides past me. “What’s fucking up? I’ll tell you what’s up.”

Rather than tell me, he begins to pace. I close the door and move to sit on the bed. Magic clearly has something to get off his chest, and I’ve learned to be patient at times like these. He’ll spit it out eventually.

“Cam fucking Slate iswhat’s up,” he snarls, clenching his fists at his sides. “I just got a text from Laney.”

When he doesn’t elaborate, I can’t help but wonder why a text from his Ol’ Lady is such a big deal. And what the hell does that have to do with Slate?

Magic stops in front of me and glares. “Did you hear me?”

“I did. But I’m not real clear on what you’re trying to tell me,” I say honestly.

Magic growls as he pulls his cell out of his cut. He taps the screen several times and turns the device so I can read the text.

Laney: He’s at it again but now he’s targeting Shiloh

Tension seeps into my muscles, coiling them to an almost painful degree. Shiloh is Magic’s stepson, and our Prez’s nephew. Not only did Slate prey upon Prez’s own stepson, but now his nephew? This guy is fucked nine ways to Hell.

“Now do you get it?” he barks.

I push up from the bed and quickly throw the remainder of my shit in my bag. After throwing it over my shoulder and tucking my gun in my waistband, I move to the door.

“Did you go to Snow with this?” I ask.

Magic nods. “Prez said to come get you so we can head out early.”