“No need to apologize.” I debate having them sit on the ground while I wait for reinforcements to help me with the scumbag, but quickly decide against it. “Why don’t the three of you go back inside the bar? Once I’m done out here, I’ll make sure you get home safely.”
“No, no,” Tina says. “You’ve done enough.”
“Darlin’, I insist.” I smile to soften the order. “Just go to the bar and ask for Jenny. Tell her Dip sent you.”
I don’t bother telling them that I don’t really know Jenny, but all the bar owner will have to do is take one look at their tear-stained faces and hopefully understand why I’m sending them.
“O-okay.” Tina glances at her friends. “Let’s go.”
I turn to watch them walk back inside, and a flash of mint green catches my attention. When the woman’s eyes lock with mine, she lowers her gaze and whirls around to scurry down the sidewalk. I drop my stare to her ass, and my cock springs to life as disappointment simultaneously floods my system.
I have no idea how long she’d been standing there, no clue if she saw me beat the shit out of the guy, but the speed with which she’s disappearing reminds me of one hard and cruel fact…
I’m not a good man, and a woman like her deserves more than I have to offer.
“We’ll be in touch.”
I flash a forced smile at the woman before making a hasty exit. This is the fourth job interview I’ve been on in a week, and they all end the same way: with a polite brush-off. I’m running out of cash and can only afford a few more nights at the motel before I reach the desperate phase of starting my new life. And if desperation settles in, I’ll be forced to use the degree I never wanted in the first place.
You could sell your car.
And I will, if it comes to that. As I climb into the Corvette, I toss my purse onto the passenger seat. The key is already in my hand, and I fire up Ruby, loving the way her engine purrs.
I can’t sell Ruby. She’s all I’ve got.
Traffic is a nightmare, and it takes me twice as long as it should to get to the motel. By the time I park and get inside the small room, my stomach is growling, and my nerves are frayed. I glance at the clock and see it’s not even one in the afternoon, and an idea strikes.
Reaching into my purse, I take out the napkin Jenny wrote her number on and my cell. Before I have a chance to second-guess myself, I dial her number and lift the phone to my ear.
“Where the fuck are you, Bryce?”
I glance at the screen and compare the number to the one on the napkin, confirming that I dialed correctly.
“Is this Jenny?” I ask.
“Who is this?” she snaps.
“Um, this…” I clear my throat. “It’s Kennedy. Kennedy Hollings. We met la—”
“Shit, Kennedy, I’m sorry.” There’s a faint rustling and then the sound of breaking glass before she mutters, “Fuck.”
“I’m sorry to bother you,” I rush to say. “I shouldn’t have cal—”
“No, you’re fine,” she says with a sigh. “I’m doing inventory, and one of my employees was supposed to be here an hour ago, but he hasn’t shown. But that’s my problem, not yours.” She pauses to take a deep breath. “So, what’s up?”
“I, um… Do you need help?”
“Do you need help with your inventory?”
“Well, yeah,” I tell her. “I mean, I was calling to see if you wanted to grab lunch or something so it’s not like I’m busy. I don’t mind coming to the bar and helping.”