“I knew I recognized that girl!” he raises his voice. “She’s Mateo’s child. What the hell were you doing with your family's enemies? Don’t for one second think you can con me into believing that you didn’t know who she was.”

He swings the car around a corner, and although he’s not looking at me, I feel like he’s looking into my soul. “That was the most foolish thing ever. What if I hadn’t been there? Do you know what happens to those girls? If they live?”

I wince at how loud he is becoming. “What the hell were you thinking, Ana? What grand plan did you have?”

He wouldn’t understand. I feel tears prick at my eyes, but I hold them back.

“Tell me!” he demands.

“No!” I shout. “I don’t have to tell you fucking anything because you’re not the boss of me, and I don’t need to tell you where I was or what I was doing. And when you drop me and get me back to my father, I never want to see or speak to you again.” I cross my arms over my chest and turn away from him to look out the window and let my tears fall silently.

At first, the silence that follows is angry, but then the anger seems to fade away to awkwardness. I hear him sigh and prepare for him to say something when he slows down and stops.

I look ahead and see two vehicles blocking the road. “Fuck,” he says.

The word he mutters sends chills down my spine. “What are we going to do now?”

“Buckle up,” he orders, and I grab the seat belt and strap myself in as he revs the car and pulls off with spinning tires. A few yards away from the two vehicles that are blocking the road, he veers to the left and drives through the field at top speed.

I cling to the seat belt across my body for dear life.

“Are they following?” I ask worriedly.

“Keep quiet,” he says for the second time tonight.

He speeds through the field and turns back onto the road, zooming down the road.

I glance back to see if anyone is following, but no lights are behind us. I can’t relax, though, because I know that doesn’t mean anything.

It’s just a matter of time.

Chapter 10 - Luigi

I’m trying so hard to keep my temper in control because I know this isn’t an accident. I pull off the road and into a field again, wanting to ensure I lose anyone following me. I drive through the fields, turning my lights to a dimmer setting and slowing down so as not to attract attention.

I glance at Anastasia, who is watching out the window, probably out the side mirror, to see if anyone is following us. She went to a rave and got kidnapped by a branch of the Mexican cartel that hates our families. It wasn’t a coincidence.

I was sent because I am lesser known by the family, but someone knew. Someone knew I was going to be there.

My mind drifts back to the Irish politician I was supposed to take out, and then my mind starts racing. Alessandro, Dominic, and Frankie wanted to kill him. I didn’t get a chance to kill Killian, so maybe he still doesn’t know I was sent there to murder him. Perhaps we could regroup and execute a new plan. I am a hundred percent sure it was he who identified me as a Sorvino. I am so sure of it I would bet my life on it.

So maybe he knew why we were there after all.

I can’t keep my thoughts straight, though, because they keep going back to Anastasia. She could have been carted off and never seen again, and the idea makes the bottom of my stomach drop. The thought of losing Ana makes me feel like a part of me has shattered into a million pieces.

I’m supposed to be a hitman, not an emotional idiot.

We continue to drive through numerous fields before I slip back onto a small, out-of-sight dirt road, far away from the main road we had been driving on.

“Where are we going?” she asks quietly, not looking at me.

“We’re going to lie low until morning. It’s safer that way. They’ll already have blocked all the roads toward the city,” I explain. After driving for some more, I pull up to a cabin and get out.

I remember her cut foot and go around to her side. “Let’s get you inside, warm, and then we can see about cleaning up your foot.”

I slide an arm around her middle and let her lean on me as we make our way into the cabin. We pause just inside the door so I can flip the light switch before we walk through to the door, I kick the door closed behind us. I help her hobble to the sofa and lower myself with her to help her sit.

I’m acutely aware of how close we are and how skimpy the clothes are that she’s wearing. When I pull my arm from around her, it brushes her back and side and I almost want to linger.