Under the guise of needing protection while she shops and has lunch, I offer to be Ana’s guard. Instead of shopping, eating and general socializing, I take her to a secluded gun range where we can practice together. At first, I stand behind her, my body against hers, as I correct her stance and grip.

She’s not a sniper, but she can hit the target well enough, and we’re going to be closer than the shitty paper man that’s getting hammered by her.

She doesn’t mention us, though. At first, I think she’s just seriously focused, but I feel like she’s avoiding the topic actively. I hate it. Being around her drives me wild, and I only want to protect her from everything. She is so professional, and all my brain keeps thinking about is how I want to bend her over the counter separating us and the targets, push her pants down, and ravish her.

No, I can’t do that.

She clearly doesn’t want there to be an us, if she’s working so hard to avoid discussing it. But a man can hope and dream.

Before I can blink again, it’s Thursday. After dropping Ana off, I head to my sister's estate.

My nephew and niece are spending the evening with their Nonno Sunny, so Kira thought I could join her and Miguel for dinner.

We’re settled and eating before her true motive is revealed.

“So, Lui, I hear you are spendinga lotof time with Anastasia Volkov.”

Such a seemingly innocent comment, especially from someone as sweet as my sister.

“You shouldn’t get involved with her,” Miguel says while he breaks up some garlic bread to eat. “You’re looking for trouble, and you could cause a rift between the families.”

I snort and shake my head. “What is with you guys? I’m a little bored, I don’t have anything to do, and I offer to babysit a princess and be friendly, and you’re acting like I’ve committed a crime.”

Kira looks at Miguel, and I give her a reprimanding look. “She is our brother-in-law's daughter and theheirto the Volkov family. I’m not going to do something mad.”

They seem satisfied with my answers, but I’m not. The only reason I’m not going to do something is because Ana doesn’t want to. If she changes her mind, I would do so many things. So many sexy, hot, wet things to that woman.

I leave around nine, and as I’m driving, I decide it would be good to go over the plan at least one more time. I text Ana.

Wanna go over the plan again? Is there a way we can hang out so late?

I drive slowly in the direction of her house, hoping she’ll say yes but expecting a no.

I can sneak out to the beach from my house. Park down by the west stairway to the beach. I’ll meet you at the base of the stairs.


That ‘x’ is there again, and my heart flutters.

I’m there in almost no time, and I pace along the beach at the base of the stairs when I hear someone approaching. I turn and see Ana smiling.

“Come,” she says with a smile, “I know somewhere we can have some privacy.”

I walk alongside her in silence, not sure what to say. We reach a little alcove, and I turn to her. “If we do this, this could cause a war for our families.”

“I know,” she says quietly, adjusting the blanket wrapped around her waist. “But I need my revenge, and my father needs closure. I have the stomach for it.”

As she pulls the blanket free and lays it down on the sand, I say, “I know you do. I don’t doubt you for a second. But you don’t have anything to prove to anyone.”

“I need to prove it to myself,” she says as we sit next to each other.

“Okay, well, let’s go over the plan again…”

As I start to explain it, she stops me by saying, “Did you enjoy it?”

“Enjoy what?” I ask stupidly.

“Sex? With me?” She looks up at me, confusion in her eyes.