He chuckles. “Okay, well, that’s perfect. We can sneak out of the theater, get to the party, kill Mateo, and get out and back before anyone notices we’re gone.”
“That’s what I’m thinking,” I say, smiling. My heart is racing, and I don’t know if it’s from the idea of how close I am to revenge or if it’s because I’m talking to Luigi.
Maybe a bit of both.
“Ana…” he pauses, and I want him to say something romantic. Something about needing me more than anything and wanting to see me right now: my father would kill him, though.
“Luigi,” I say quietly, “I have to go. My father is looking for me.” It’s a lie, but I also need to protect my heart. I can’t fall for the Italian Stallion if I want to be the leader of the family. I also don’t want to place him in danger because I think a huge part of me would die if he was killed. I’d rather have him alive, in love with someone else, than dead because of me.
“Okay, text me later. Have a good night.”
“Good night,” I breathe before hanging up.
I sigh and look into my mirror. When did the circles under my eyes get so dark and prominent? I put my phone aside and cleanse my face before getting a face mask and smoothing it over my face.
I have to look my best if I’m going shooting.
Chapter 20 - Luigi
I know I shouldn’t be doing this. Right now, the best decision is to stay away and get on with the regular family business.
I can’t.
I can’t because I promised Ana I would help her avenge her mother’s death. Besides the fact that Ana would get herself killed without me, I would have done the same thing. If I knew who killed my mother, I would. I understand Ana and what it means to grow up without a mother.
Yeah, I’ve got other women in your life, aunts, cousins, and Nonnas. It’s not the same as a mother. It never is.
As the hours tick by each day, I map out the entire area of the East Harlem street party. I check which positions would be best to launch our attack from.
I won’t be underestimating them again. This ‘break-off’ of the Catalan family, Jose’s last remaining legacy, is much more organized than I anticipated.
From my secret network of informants, I have found out that this cartel family has hired hitmen and trained guards. They’re not just big thugs who throw their weight around.
Getting to Mateo is going to be difficult, and I don’t think we’ll be able to get him from above. I guess all those buildings with a view of that stage will be closely guarded.
I message Anastasia.
Mission Plan.
Forget sniping. We’re going to have to take him out from the ground. Wait for a huge crowd to form and blend in.
I watch as she types.
I thought you said we would stick out among the Mexican community.
I smile.
It’s a huge party. There are going to be a lot of people from surrounding non-Mexican communities. We won’t be out of place.
The messages fly back and forth as I explain that we’ll need to mingle. Act like we’re there for a good time, preferably when the party gets going. We’ll sample food and drink while the evening progresses and wait for Mateo to go on stage to give a speech. Well, that’s when we’ll act.
We’ll get in front and take him out. The crowd will panic, and we will blend in again and move out of the area.
I smile. The plan is perfect.
I want to be the one who shoots him. I want to do this.
I’m not surprised by her request, so I tell her if she’s going to do the shooting, she will need to practice with me.