The man hadkissedhim and said such sweet things. How in the world was he supposed to let that go?

His coven was convinced that Nolan was a fucking asshole who’d used Sky for his own ends, but Sky refused to believe them. That wasnotNolan. He could be a grumpy asshole when he wanted to be, but his neighbor would not use someone like that.

Groaning, Sky dropped his head between his arms, allowing his forehead to thud on the table. He was a useless lump. What was he supposed to do now?

“Oh-ho! That car is back!”

Sky moaned, louder than the last time. This wasn’t what he needed right now.

“Whose car do you think it is?”

“I have no idea, Grammy.” Facedown on the table, Sky’s muffled voice complained, “Nolan isn’t telling me about his life anymore.”

“Well, you need to get over there and check it out.” His grandmother sounded closer until she was speaking into his ear. “Didn’t I teach you to keep something freshly baked in the house so you have an excuse to go check on the neighbors?”

That got Sky to lift his head and glare at the ghost of his dead grandmother. “You taught me to keep sweets and baked goods in the house so I couldspyon my neighbors.”

“Spy, check on—it’s all the same thing.” The ghost waved a dismissive hand at him and crossed to the front window, where she could peer through the blinds at Nolan’s house.

Becoming a ghost had not changed Grammy Dolores Wallace’s need to be a nosy meddler. It wasn’t that she was one of those judgy neighbors who had a negative opinion about everyone else’s life. She simply wanted to know what people were doing and help them along. Particularly in the love department. His grandmother was at her happiest when she saw new couples in love and probably screwing like rabbits.

It was one of the few times Sky felt as if he’d failed his grammy. He’d never landed a steady boyfriend while she was still alive. She’d had no problem with him being gay. He’d come out to her, she’d clicked her tongue and said, “Well, naturally.”

Sky had thrown up his arms at that comment.What the hell was that supposed to mean?

But Grammy never even missed a beat. She just shifted her focus from the pretty girl at the grocery checkout to the handsome guy wrangling carts in the parking lot.

His own parents had kicked him out at the age of six when they discovered he was a necromancer like his grandmother. God only knew what would have happened if he’d told them he was gay.

“Grammy, do you think I scared him off?” Sky asked, trying not to sound too mopey and failing at it.

“Scared him? How could you scare him off?” Grammy demanded. At least she seemed to think the idea was ridiculous. “I saw you two all cuddled up on the couch. It was adorable. At that point, he’d already met Frank, right? What could be scarier than Frank?”

“He met Frank as well as KevinandBob!” The last two were three stories tall with chains, horns, and giant weapons. Everyone feared them.And Nolan still kissed him.

“See! I don’t think he’s scared.” A soft clicking, sucking sound drifted across the room as she clicked her tongue and sucked on her bottom lip in deep thought. “Maybe you moved too slow. You should be more aggressive with this one. You should have kissed him while you were on the couch,” Grammy advised, and Sky rolled his eyes.

If he was lucky enough to get Nolan speaking to him again, he was going to need to havethe talkwith his Grammy about making sure she was giving him privacy when he stole some intimate time. Just the thought of his Grammy being there when he got a hand inside Nolan’s pants made him shudder.

He really wanted in Nolan’s pants.

Grammy gasped and clapped her hands together. Sky lifted his head to see her spin away from the window toward him. “I’ve got it. You need to make him bread. I’ve seen several shows where the two lovers are sharing a piece of bread and it leads to sex. Did you know that bread is sexy now? Such a strange thing. Bread is sexy. But there you have it. Eat bread with him and you’ll get laid.”

Andthatwas the end of his grammy watching Thai BL dramas.

Bread was not getting him into Nolan’s pants.

Bread wouldn’t even get Nolan to talk to him.

Sky lifted his hands and rubbed his eyes, pressing his fingers into them as if they could also rub away the disturbing thoughts now cluttering his brain, thanks to his helpful Grammy. “I’m not making Nolan bread. It doesn’t work like that in reality.”

Grammy made atchsound and for a moment, Sky let himself sink into the silence. What the hell was he going to do? Stewing in his place about Nolan withdrawing from him and the repeated appearance of the strange car were not healthy things. An adult would get up, walk over there, and have a frank discussion about needs and boundaries. They had to communicate better.

Fuck, he hated being an adult.

His stomach was twisting into a knot just thinking about talking about those things with Nolan. What if he thought Sky was too needy? What if Nolan wanted more space than Sky could provide? What if Nolan really was using him for his magic to save his brother’s ass? What if—

“Oh! That man is leaving!” Grammy shouted.