Skylar Wallace

Nolan was being quiet.

Too quiet.

Like…should he poke him with his finger because there were no breathing sounds coming from the passenger seat?

No! Did Christoph turn Nolan into a vampire?

He didn’t look like a vampire at the Varik house, but Sky would be the first to admit that he hadn’t been in the best mental state when he finally set eyes on Nolan. His emotions had been frothy and messy after dealing with hours of separation and not knowing what happened to him.

Not that it was a bad thing if Nolan was a vampire. He would still care about Nolan and definitely wanted to date him, even if he was a vampire. His only concern was that Nolan didn’t want to be a vampire.

If Nolan was a vampire, he would continue to support his neighbor, friend, and possibly one-day baby daddy. He would be there every step of the way for him.

Carefully, Sky released the steering wheel with his right hand and reached toward Nolan, lightly poking him in the ribs with one finger. Nolan jumped in his seat as if he’d been electrocuted. His head whipped to Sky, who stole his finger back as if to hide that he was the poker.

“Huh?” Nolan scrubbed a hand over his face as if trying to wake up.

“Sorry. You’re quiet. I was worried. Are you…alive over there?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Nolan mumbled behind his hand. He dropped it with a soft slap in his lap and released a long, heavy breath. “Just been a long day. Long several days.”

“Okay. Yeah,” Sky replied. He could understand that. Between tracking down his brother and dealing with vampires to fighting off Christoph and his need for a pet, it could all be insanely exhausting. And that didn’t even include Sky’s unique brand of crazy.

“Wait!” Nolan twisted in his seat, sitting completely upright. “When you said alive, did you mean you were wondering if I was a vampire?”

“What? Noooooo! Of course not! Nooooooo! I mean, it crossed my mind, but…ha-ha…wouldn’t that be weird? But no!” Sky curled both of his lips inward and bit on them to stop his babbling. With each word, his voice was rising higher and higher in pitch. There was no controlling it.

“You did! You were worried that Christoph turned me into a vampire!”

Nolan’s narrowed gaze was burning through him even as Sky fought to keep his eyes on the road. Thankfully, it was getting late and there were fewer cars out. It also didn’t hurt that they were now a few blocks away from their street. Sky could leave his body on autopilot as he tried to come up with some way to crawl out of the hole he was now in.

Bracing his hand on Sky’s headrest, Nolan leaned forward. “What would you do if I were a vampire?”

“I’d probably ask if you could still eat my muffins. I’ve heard conflicting things. Some say vampires can only drink blood. Others say they can eat normal food if they want but still need to drink blood.”

“And what if I said I wanted to eat you?”

Sky shivered from head to toe before sinking a little deeper into his seat. “I’d ask if I get to choose where you bite me?”

A choked bark of laughter jumped from Nolan’s throat as he pushed off Sky’s seat and settled into his own as Sky pulled onto their road. “Shameless. Absolutely shameless.”

“Maybe, but only for you.”

“Mn. I don’t know if I believe that. I might need to question your grammy as to whether that’s true.”

Sky’s heart skipped at Nolan’s words. The man was trying to make all of this normal. Baby steps. He needed to keep taking baby steps forward and everything would be fine. So long as they could keep the crazy to a minimum for a while.

He was still trying to come up with normal things for Nolan when he pulled the car into the driveway and turned off the engine. Nolan immediately got out and stretched his arms above his head with a groan. Sky climbed out as well, wishing there wasn’t an entire car between them, blocking his view of what had likely been a good show.

Nolan walked toward the rear of the car and stopped with his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans. Sky joined him with his hands kind of aimlessly flapping at his sides because he didn’t know what to do with them and if he wasn’t careful, they’d grab Nolan so he could hold him.


“Are you scared of me now?” Sky blurted out and winced. Not how he wanted to tackle this subject at all.Finesse, your name is definitely not Skylar Wallace. Nope, he had none. His only option was to push on, even though Nolan was staring at him with his mouth hanging open. “I get it if you are. I probably would be too. Reaper isn’t a minion that I call on often. For obvious reasons. But when Christoph went to the trouble of kidnapping you in the middle of the day, I knew he wasn’t going down without a fight. I want to let you know I understand if you’re not comfortable around me and would rather I stay on my side of the stre—”

Nolan’s hand shot out and seized Sky’s arm, pulling him in so quickly that he tripped over his own feet and landed right against Nolan’s wonderful chest. The second he tipped his head up to look at his sexy neighbor, a pair of soft lips covered his own. Perfect. Nolan’s mouth moved over his slowly, the tip of his tongue tracing along Sky’s bottom lip until he opened for him, welcoming him to deepen the kiss.