Nolan didn’t move, barely even breathed, until he heard Christoph’s light steps cross to the front door. Only when it opened and closed firmly did Nolan sigh loudly and scrub his hands over his face as he choked down a panicked sob. What the fuck was he supposed to do?

His first instinct was to reach out to Sky and ask for his help. The necromancer had proved strong enough to handle vampires, but could he take on the head of an entire clan? Christoph was older. He seemed so much stronger and daunting than the others. Christoph could hurt him. Nolan could put Sky in danger the same way his own brother had to him.

Could he run?

Leave town just like Owen had. Start over somewhere totally new.

It was an option, but not a great one. He liked his life here. He was comfortable.

But he could do it if it meant keeping Sky safe.


Skylar Wallace

Sky was trying not to pace and failing miserably at it.

That black car was at Nolan’s place. Again.

He didn’t recognize who the person was, but he was obviously rich, judging by his clothes and the fact that he had a driver.

Who was it?

A rich relative?

An old high school friend in town for a visit?

A sugar daddy?

Oh, God! Had Nolan’s ex returned to sweep him off his feet and carry him off to a life free of witches and bills?

How was he supposed to compete with that?

He picked up his phone to call Red, or maybe Moon, for the third time. They needed to know the car had returned. Not Mad. He’d already threatened to drive over and turn Nolan into a turnip.

Red and Moon were somewhat safer. They would only tell him that Nolan was a selfish asshole who’d used him for his magic and was now cutting ties. He didn’t want to hear that nonsense.

With a loud sigh, Sky tossed his phone to the sofa and paced into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and frowned at the contents. After a few seconds, he shut the door and shuffled over to the kitchen table, slumping in a chair. Nothing looked good to eat, and he wasn’t all that hungry.

It had been five days since they’d sent Owen across the country, and Sky had barely heard a peep out of Nolan. Everything had seemed fine when he’d dropped the man off and made plans for later. But shortly after that, it had all fallen apart.

Nolan had sent a few dismissive texts about needing to get caught up with work after being away from his desk for so long. Sky understood. He’d been behind on a few projects as well, but they both still needed to eat and take a break, right?

This felt like a brush-off.

And Sky knew what those were like. Several of his previous dating attempts had ended in being ghosted or some not-so-subtle brush-offs. Those hadn’t even reached to the stage where he revealed he was a witch, let alone a necromancer. Nolan had gotten so much further than the others. Why did it all have to fall apart now?

Of course, Nolan had been given no choice in learning Sky’s true nature.

Yes, it was overwhelming and scary to learn about vampires, witches, magic, shifters, and the underworld minions, but Nolan appeared to adapt and take it all in stride.

Maybe when Nolan sat alone and thought about all that had happened, it hit him that it was all too much. It was possible he was terrified of Sky and was trying to break things off gently, so Sky didn’t get pissed and curse him.

Not that Sky would curse him.

Well, probably not.

Okay, maybe a little curse like giving him jock itch.