Sky wanted to argue, but it was Moon who stopped him.

“It’s a different culture, Sky. You don’t have to understand it, but you can’t disrespect it just because you don’t agree with it. That’s like everyone looking down on you and me because of the magic we use.”

He stared at his friend and frowned. “I did not bring you along to talk sense into me. You’re here to help me be scary to the vampires.”

Moon smirked and bumped their shoulders together. “Then you shouldn’t have worn your gold vest. You’re always so adorable and shiny in your gold vest.”

Sky glanced at his pretty gold vest over the black shirt he’d chosen. Maybe he was adorable, but the vest was his favorite. It made him feel pulled together and powerful when he was really helpless and lost.

“Fine, but what about Nolan?” Fox demanded. “Winter and I talked to him. He never chose to be Christoph’s pet. And even if Christoph tricked him into saying yes, there’s no fucking way Nolan knew what he was agreeing to.”

“Exactly!” Sky pointed a finger at Fox and the witch across the room grinned at him. “Nolan was acting drunk that night at Phoenix. That asshole tried to drain him! Nolan knew nothing about vampires until a few days prior. He didn’t know what he was getting into. It’s not right that he’s trapped with Christoph because the vampire was a sneaky, slimy…”

“Asshole?” Winter provided with a smirk.


“Father,” Marcus interjected in a low, hard voice. “They’re here.”

A wave of biting cold swept through Sky, bringing up goose bumps all across his flesh while an icicle stabbed the center of his stomach. He didn’t need Marcus to explain who was there. He was talking about the Sandor clan.

“Did Rafe see Nolan with them?” Aiden inquired quietly.

Marcus pulled his phone from his pocket and checked his messages before grunting. “The human is with them.”

Sky slipped to the edge of his seat, ready to leap to his feet, but Aiden raised a hand, halting him.

“Sky, I need to ask a difficult favor, one I think even my sons would fail.”

“Hey!” Bel shouted. Marcus and Winter also looked thoroughly disgruntled.

“I need you to stay calm and not lose your temper. You must trust that if Nolan truly didn’t want to be Christoph’s pet, I will do everything I can to get him free.”

Sky leaned toward Aiden. “I will do my best, but you need to understand that there is no ‘if.’ Nolan does not want this. I don’t give a damn about any brainwashing nonsense Christoph has done. I promised Nolan I would protect him, and that’s what I intend to do.”

Even if it means starting a war with the vampires.


Nolan Banks

His world was spiraling out of control.

The only thing he was sure of was that Christoph was livid, and it had something to do with him.

After several hours of being prodded, beaten, and manipulated, they’d packed him into a car with Christoph and warned him to keep his mouth shut. In the heavy silence, he’d tried to wrack his brain for ideas on how to escape his current predicament, but his thoughts were fragmented, sharp, and painful. He’d never felt so helpless in his life.


That was wrong.

Owen had cursed him with this feeling regularly, and each time, he found a new way to help. He’d borrowed, bargained, and bled for his brother. When left with no choice, he’d sent Owen away for his own protection. He could do it again. This time, he’d save himself.

All that shit he’d gone through with his older brother could serve as training for this moment. He would find a way out.

And the first thing he was going to do was find Sky. He would throw himself into Sky’s arms and apologize for not being more careful, for not taking the danger more seriously. Afterward, he’d cook dinner for the witch.

No, he’d take fucking cooking lessons, and he’d make amazing meals for Sky every night so long as Sky was willing to keep him.