“My grandmother. Dolores. Her name is Dolores. Did I tell you that?” He paused and smiled at Nolan to see the man had leveled a look at him that screamed, “Get to the point.” Yeah, he needed to do that. He swallowed hard, trying to work some saliva into his Sahara-like mouth. “So, she’s the one I inherited my powers from. My mom didn’t get anything.”

Nolan halted with one foot on the bottom step and narrowed his eyes on Sky. “She’s dead, isn’t she?”


“Are we talking ghost or corpse living with you?”

“What?” Sky’s voice went high enough to crack glass. “Ghost! Ghost! I don’t bring corpses home with me. Usually.”

“And she’s not going to pop out and scare me or try to possess me, right?”

A groan escaped Sky, and he leaned into Nolan, giving him a push to get him moving. “No, definitely not. My parents discovered when I was young that I could talk to the dead. They hated it. Didn’t want any of my grammy’s crazy magic nonsense in their lives, so they gave me to my grandmother to raise.”

“Are you shitting me?”

Okay, so maybe Nolan getting defensive and cranky on his behalf was better than double-fudge brownies hot from the oven.So fucking addictive.Fingers crossed, Nolan was also much healthier for him than the brownies.

“Nope. I haven’t seen my parents since I was six. I heard before Grammy passed away that I had a couple of younger siblings, but I doubt they even know I exist.” While he dropped that bomb, he got Nolan moving up his stairs while he stared at Sky with his mouth hanging open. “But don’t feel bad for me. I don’t remember my parents, and Grammy is amazing. Plus, my coven brothers love and accept me. I don’t need more siblings than them.”

His fingers wrapped around the doorknob, but Nolan slid a hand behind his neck and pulled him in for the best kiss. Sky leaned into him, forgetting about the rest of the world, as Nolan’s lips moved tenderly over his. The kiss was brief, but it curled his toes in his sneakers.

“You’re amazing. Don’t ever let anything make you think otherwise. I just hope your grandmother likes me.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it. She wanted me to bring you bread,” Sky said, still leaning heavily on Nolan.


Sky straightened and shook his head, trying to break free of that fog. “Nothing. Never mind.”

He ushered Nolan inside and up the stairs to the guest bedroom, that he’d thankfully tidied up a month ago after Moon and Red had crashed at his place after a BL-binging marathon that had left them all bleary-eyed and dragging. While Nolan got settled, Sky hurried downstairs to pull together a late dinner. He was frowning at the contents of the pantry when the telltale tinkle of metal bracelets and necklaces drifted through the room.

“He’s here!” she whispered right next to his ear. “Was I right? I was right, wasn’t I?”

Sky bit his bottom lip to hold in his smile. He needed to find something fast and healthy for Nolan. The man desperately needed a good night of sleep and a good meal, especially if he had a vampire sucking out his blood regularly.

“Yes, the bastard is a vampire, and he’s been biting Nolan,” Sky snarled.

“But he was trying to protect you. That had to be the reason,” she pressed.

Sky opened his mouth to agree with her and warn his sweet ghost grandmother to lie low for a couple of nights. Nolan was still dealing mentally with vampires. He didn’t want the poor guy to face ghosts. But the words never made it out.

“Yes, I was trying to keep him safe.” Nolan’s low, deep voice cut across the room.

Sky jerked around to find Nolan standing in the doorway to the kitchen. He was pale and his eyes were locked on Grammy, who was also staring at their visitor. How the hell had they not heard his approach? He was quieter than a cat!

“Of course you were!” Grammy immediately cooed. She drifted across the room, her feet never touching the floor as she rushed to his side. Nolan swallowed hard and rocked back, but somehow managed to not run. “You’re such a good boy. I knew it the first time I saw you. There’s no way you’d do anything to hurt my little grave gremlin.”

And that was the end of Grammy’s introduction to Nolan.

Sky cleared his throat and nearly jumped to Nolan’s side, threading his arm through Nolan’s before the poor man expired on the spot. Sky helped him into a chair at the kitchen table and squeezed his shoulder.

“Are you hungry? What are you in the mood for?” Sky inquired.

Nolan’s eyes were still on the smiling ghost watching him from across the room. “You don’t have to go to any trouble.”

“It’s no trouble. I could use a snack, and you need food. Preferably something with iron to help replace the blood you lost.” Sky squeezed his shoulder again and wandered over to the fridge. He pulled out some dark greens and other ingredients for a salad. “How about salad with some grilled chicken breast? I’ve got some chicken breasts already cooked from yesterday that would be perfect.”

“That sounds great.” There was a sigh in his words, and Sky had the biggest urge to hug this man. Nolan was the type to be self-sufficient. He wasn’t accustomed to relying on other people for help, especially thanks to having an older brother who constantly needed Nolan to bail him out. Nolan needed to have someone take care of him for a bit, and Sky wanted to take care of this man so badly.