Page 9 of Diablo

“Don’t tell him where you are. And don’t be stupid.”

“I happen to be a genius.”

“That is yet to be seen.”

I ignore him, stabbing out Angel’s number and placing the phone to my ear. God, Skylar is a dick. He’s gotten far too comfortable with me recently. I need to teach him who’s boss.

“Hello?” Angel says, answering almost immediately. I love the sound of his voice, the way it just makes me feel loved, safe. It’s just innately kind and generous. He is everything I wish I could be.

“Angel. I’m safe. Annoyed and irritated, but alive.”

“Oh, thank god. I was so worried. Dad wouldn’t tell me anything. He kept saying that you were okay, but I didn’t believe him…not after that one time when he said you were fine but you were in the hospital with a broken arm!”

“I really am okay. Skylar isprotectingme.” I bite those words out, gagging on them slightly. I can protect myself, thank you very much.

“You’re being nice to him, right?” Angel asks.

“I’m always nice.”

Angel huffs a small, tinkling laugh. “You’re not, Diablo. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it, but I still love you regardless.”

My heart flutters in my chest, and I feel my entire body tingle slightly. Fuck, my brother is just too damn good. He deserves someone who can love him back. Someone who can appreciate what an amazing soul he is.

I’m irredeemable. I know this. I’ve accepted it. I’m going to die alone. No one can stand me long enough to stick around.

“I know you do.”

“Please be nice to Skylar. He’s there to protect you. Dad says he’s the best at what he does.”

I eye the man he’s talking about and clench my jaw, turning my face toward the wall and lowering my voice.

“I just hate being trapped. You know I don’t like being backed into a corner.”

“Yes, but Dad is just protecting you, keeping you safe until he gets this all situated.”

“He doesn’t need to. There is no way anyone is coming after me.”

“You don’t know that. It’s all precaution. You have to be careful. Do what Skylar says, okay? Promise me.”

I let that promise sit there for a minute before I begrudgingly say, “Fine.”

“And be nice to him.”

Well, that is scoff-worthy. “I’ll try to be nice…for you.”

Angel huffs a little and I feel my lips turn up at the corners. He knows I’m full of lies. I’m going to give Skylar shit, despite knowing he’s just doing his job. That is all I am to him. I’m just a fucking paycheck. That’s the only reason anyone spends time with me these days…except Angel, that is. And maybe Lex. Although, I do pay him as well, so maybe we aren’t even really friends.

“I know you hate people telling you what to do, but he’s just trying to help you.”

“You’re repeating yourself. I don’t need a lecture from you too. Already heard it from Dad.”

When people try to control me, it makes my chest constrict, makes my hands clench into fists. I become like a feral animal seeking freedom, I can’t be tied down. I can’t be trapped. And right now, I feel fucking caged.

“You’re done. Hang up the phone,” I hear Skylar bark, and suddenly he’s before me, that big body dwarfing mine.

“I’m not fucking done,” I hiss.

“Done,” Skylar says sternly, but I just turn my body away and ignore him. He wrenches the phone from my hand and brings it to his ear, apologizing softly to Angel and then quickly snapping the phone closed.