Page 2 of Diablo

“Don’t say a word,” I mutter, and Skylar just lets out a small chuckle. It’s more like a cough, but I hear it nonetheless.

I want to pummel him with my fists, want to kick him in the shins. I did that once actually and only ended up hurting my foot.

Not that I told him that. I held in the cries like the man I am. My father taught me well.

I am emotionless. Mostly.

Most days, at least.

I make my way past my father’s study, the door closed, and I feel myself shrink slightly. I hate feeling this way, like a constant disappointment. But there was no stopping me. I have an annoying habit of causing chaos and reaping the consequences. It’s just how I was made. Whereas Angel is the peacemaker, I revel in the mess, the conflict. I like to push people’s buttons. All of them. Simultaneously.

“I cannot believe I have to spend an indefinite amount of time with you,” I murmur as I stomp down the front stairs to the car, hating that my stomps have to be quick to keep up with Skylar. I’m basically jogging awkwardly next to him since his legs are so much longer than mine. It doesn’t bode well for the coming days.

Ugh, he drives me insane. And this bunny…this rabbit…whatever it is in my arms, is making my heart clench. Damn thing. I know how much Angel loves it and yet, he gave it to me.

I don’t deserve it. Don’t deserve him, really. And yet, he loves me unconditionally anyways.

Gah. Love.

So fucking bothersome. I could really do without it.

“Get in,” Skylar says, pointing to the passenger side door, and my eyes roll with such force I immediately get a headache. Of course I need toget in. I’m not an idiot. I swear, my dad hired this man to slowly murder me.

Weeks ago, when all this nonsense with the family started, I thought I’d only be saddled with Skylar for a few days. I didn’t realize I’d be dragging him around with me for an insufferable amount of time.

And now, because of my stupid buttotally necessaryactions, this may drag out even longer.

“Just keeping you safe, Diablo,” he says, and the way he says it makes my cheeks flush in anger.

I mean, I did put myself in this position, but I had no other choice. Elio Pavelli was extorting Angel for thousands. He was trying to take advantage of him. The bastard deserves all the awful things I rained down on him. I mean, really, if you don’t want something to be made public, don’t leave it somewhere I can find it. And also, don’t be a cunt.

“Yes, I know that, but I’d rather be safe somewhere else. Without you.”

“Too bad,” Skylar says and slides into the SUV, his weight causing part of the vehicle to sink slightly.

He really could crush me. Just sit on me and my chest would cave in.

My cock perks up at the thought, and I slap at it. Just give it a good old spanking. It doesn’t deter it in the slightest, which only makes me slap at it again. It’s a little slut. A repressed slut who needs a good fucking. With a controlling father like mine, you don’t get many opportunities to get fucked. He’s quite…protective.

I slide into the passenger seat, toss Angel’s bunny into the backseat, and pull out my phone. But before I can even text Lex about the miniatures he owes me, Skylar grabs it out of my hands and throws it out the window. It lands on the cement with acrack, and I gape at my bodyguard. I want to throttle him, just wrap both my hands around his neck and squeeze. Not that my hands would really fit all the way around, but damnit, I wouldtry.

“How am I supposed to keep in touch with my brother now that you’ve destroyed my phone?”

Skylar looks at me as he starts the car and pulls it forward.

“It’s not destroyed…yet,” he says and then puts the car in reverse and backs over it. I hear the crunch all the way inside. He popped that shit like a cockroach.

“You could have just told me to leave it inside the house!”

“And you would have listened?” he asks.

I clench my jaw, my teeth cracking.

“I have pictures on my phone that are irreplaceable.”

“Of your Warhammer dolls?”

My hand flies out before I can stop myself, and I pinch him on the bicep, hard. “They’refigurinesand it’s a fucking art form.”