My eyes flick to Daisy. She’s hovering a few feet away, her face pale.
“You’re not fine,” Riv barks. “Take your shirt off.”
Eli gasps and cover’s Daisy’s eyes. I take a deep breath through my nose. I’m not in the mood to deal with either of their shit right now. “No.”
“You want to get fucking blood poisoning again?”
“Come on, Nalle,” Eli wheedles. “Do what the nice doctor says. If you’re good, he might even give you a lollipop!”
I scowl. “Don’t call me that.”
Of course, Daisy’s ears perk right up. “What does it mean?”
Eli grins. “Teddy. His first name is Björn. It meansbear. But he wouldn’t hurt a fly, so when he gets all grumbly like this, I call himteddy.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Your first name literally means Bear? Jesus, did you come out of the womb growling?”
“If you don’t remove your shirt in the next ten seconds,” Riven says crisply, snapping on a pair of gloves, “I will cut it off you.”
Wincing, I pull off the fabric. Pain rips down my shoulder, and I feel warm blood gush across my skin. Daisy gasps softly.
“Go, if it bothers you that much,” I growl.
She folds her arms. “No way. I’m not leaving.”
Riven bends, washing blood off the area with warm water, and I feel his breath on my skin as he examines the bite. “This is nasty,” he mutters, his fingers testing the edges of the wound. “What was it? Another moose?”
“Couple months ago, he found a moose that had eaten ashit tonof fermented berries off a bush, and gotten drunk,” Eli mutters to Daisy. “It got into the car park of a local school and smashed through half the cars until Cole managed to tranquillise it. Took a nice bite out of his shoulder, too.”
“It was a mother,” I say gruffly. “We found her calf nearby. They’re not usually so aggressive.”
Riven stands upright, frowning. “This isn’t a moose bite. Unless your elk somehow developed canines.”
“Husky,” I grit out through my clenched jaw.
Riven hisses in a breath. Husky bites are almost as powerful as wolf bites. He pulls a tube out of his kit. “I’m going to apply a localised anaesthetic so I can take a closer look. Check nothing has gotten into the wound. Did it look rabid?”
“Of course it didn’t look fuckingrabid,we don’t have fuckingrabiesin this country.”
“I had to ask.”
“Yeah,” Eli drawls. “We’d hate for you to turn irritable and aggressive.”
“If you’re not going to say anything useful, why don’tyoucover the car,” I spit.
“Are you kidding? There’s no way in Hell I’m going out in that.” He turns to Daisy. “Hell, I can’t believe you did. Will you save me ifIhave a near-death experience? Because that’s pretty hot. I’m sure I could come up with something.”
“No one is going anywhere,” Riven snips. “The snow’s coming down too badly now. Did you lift something? The edges of the wound look torn open.”
“He was carrying all that equipment,” Daisy says, nodding to the sled by the doorway. I glare at her. She glares right back.
Riven gives me a flat look. “Well, you’re going to need stitches. Eli, can you take Daisy to your room?”
“Nope,” Daisy announces. “I’m staying here.” Her eyes narrow. “So he can’t lie.”
“It can be a bit gory,” Riven warns, snapping on a fresh pair of gloves.