Page 6 of Isaac

“Yo, man, I’ve got her,” the flirting twenty-something says. A growl of “Fuck off” from the grumbler behind me sends him running.

“You’re drunk?” the voice asks me as he steps up next to me.

“Ah, yeah,” I tell his black jacket as I inhale the comforting leather scent. “How did you know?”

“Because there are seven shot glasses in front of you, and you almost slid out of your seat. How the fuck am I gonna get you home?”

“Ha! Who said I was going home with you?” I ask, poking my finger between the opening of his jacket and hitting his hard chest.

“Holly,” he says, and then a single finger presses on the underside of my chin, lifting my head to his face. His grouchy yet handsome face with squinty, disapproving eyes. His neatly trimmed beard has more gray than black in it, identical to the hair on his head.

Blue. His eyes are blue and burning right through me.

“Holly,” he repeats as I stare at his close and somewhat familiar blurry face. “She’s barely old enough to fucking drink, and you gave her a shitload of shots?”

“How do you know my name?” I ask him.

“She had a shitty night, and I kept the asshole from dragging her off,” the bartender says. “Maybe you should teach your daughter not to trust strangers.”

“She’s not my daughter!” he barks at her.

“Oh! You look like my friend’s dad,” I remark as he glares at the bartender, jaw clenched tight.

His scowl returns to me, and I both like it and hate it at the same time. “I am your friend’s dad. Lyla asked me to come get you.” Pulling out his wallet from his back pocket, he retrieves several twenties and says to the bartender, “Let me get one of those sweatshirts. Biggest size you’ve got.”

“So, you’re an Uber driver?” I ask him after the woman takes his cash and walks off. “I thought you had a motorcycle. Oh! Do you pick up women and drive them around on the back of your motorcycle?”

“Only sober women get to ride on the back of my motorcycle.”

“Aww, that’s too bad,” I say, disappointed since I’ve never been on a motorcycle before.

A moment later, the bartender is back with a black sweatshirt, the club’s name in white across the front. “Here you go, buddy. It even glows in the dark,” she says as she hands it over the bar to Isaac.

“Great,” he mutters.

Suddenly, everything goes dark for a second before my vision clears. “Put your arms through.”

I do as I’m told, and still, there’s a foot of fabric between my hands and the sleeve holes. “Am I shrinking?” I ask in concern.

“It’s an XXL.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Come on. We’ve got to sober you up because I am not calling a fucking Uber and leaving my bike all the way out here.”

Taking each of my elbows, he lifts me off the stool and onto my feet. I wobble on the heels of my boots that feel two feet high.

“What the hell am I gonna do with you?” he mutters. “Anywhere to eat around here?”

“I have no idea,” I answer before realizing he wasn’t talking to me.

“There’s a diner open all night about two blocks that way.” The bartender points the direction, and then I’m being ushered to the front door by my best friend’s dad.

* * *


This favor is turning into a pain in my ass.