I lean against the fountain, and Milo hands me a cig too, which he lights up as I put it in my mouth. “How come?”
“Mom called. Said she and Dad got life with no parole.”
I almost choke on the drag I take, and I swiftly take the cig out of my mouth. “What the f—That’s bullshit!”
“It is what it is. All I know is they ruined our fucking lives.” He takes another deep drag.
I don’t think he wants to talk about them.
Poor Ro, though. To never see your parents again that young has gotta be tough.
“Did you tell her yet?” Milo asks.
Nathan shakes his head.
He must still be gathering the courage.
“What are you going to do now?” I ask. “Leave her with your aunt?”
“No, she’s the only family I have left,” he says, glaring at me. “I have to think of something else.”
“She can’t live with us at the Phantom Society,” Milo says. “I mean, she’s cute, but it’s too dangerous there with us and our murder sprees.”
I shush him. “We’re on public grounds. Not everyone needs to know.”
I feel something swoop past me before I turn to see a knife lying on the bottom of the fountain.
What the …?
A second one lands on the stones right beside Nathan’s hand, which he quickly lifts to avoid getting scratched. “What the fuck—”
The scream makes all our heads turn collectively as none other than Lana Rivera marches toward us, pointing her knives right at us in broad daylight.
“What’s going on?” Nathan asks.
She chucks another knife his way. “You did this!”
“Did what? What is happening?” Milo asks.
“Don’t play dumb with me!” she shrieks, chucking another knife until she’s all out. “I deserve better than that!”
“Let’s talk about this, little kitty,” I tell her as she approaches.
Suddenly, she dropkicks me out of nowhere, hitting me in the nuts. “Don’t fuckingKittyme!”
I’m bent over, coughing and heaving from the pain. “Jesus, fuck, I thought we were over this?”
“If you want to hit someone, hit me,” Milo practically begs, opening his arms, but she ignores him and steps over me to punch Nathan in the face so hard he’s bleeding from the nose. “What the fuck, Lana?!”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know,” she says, and she kicks him in the gut, knocking him to the ground.
“No, I don’t know!”