"Georgia, you're as fucking subtle as a groin kick," I grumbled and rolled my eyes in aggravation. This day was getting better and better by the moment and it was still only morning.

"Georgia Turner. You came to check on Josephine. As promised, she is in perfect condition," Stefan said as he stood up, leaning in to kiss my forehead before heading down the hallway to the bedroom. I watched as Georgia's eyes took in his retreating form and felt a small jolt of jealousy course through me as I could sense the lust radiating from her. He returned to the living room with his shirt and flip flops in his hands, a grin tugging at the right side of his mouth.

"Yes, I can see," Georgia pursed her lips, trying to be discreet as her eyes traced over the muscles in his chest. "Your ass is safe for now, big blond and sexy. "

Stefan pulled the t-shirt over his head and slid his feet into his shoes. He glanced at Georgia with a mixture of amusement and annoyance in his sparkling blue eyes. "Georgia, I sense either you and I will either be great friends or we will constantly be at each others' throats. For Josephine's sake, we should attempt to be friends. "

The double meaning of his words was unmistakable to me. I instantly had a mental picture of what Stefan meant about being at her throat and felt a cold shiver run down my spine. She had no idea she was testing the patience of a vampire that could literally and figuratively rip her throat out.

Georgia tapped her finger on her chin, her eyes twinkling. "I suppose we could be friends. You're much too pretty to maim permanently. "

Stefan crouched his six-foot-four frame down in front of me. He put his finger under my chin to raise my eyes to look into his. A beautiful smile broke over his lips, making his face almost glow.

"You need to talk to your friend. I have issues that require my attention," Stefan murmured quietly. "I will be back in a few hours. Will you be safe?"

"Stefan, I managed to stay safe for 28 years. I think I can manage for a few hours," I retorted indignantly as he rose to his full height.

When had my life turned into concerns about my safety and having cryptic conversations with secret vampires? Oh, that would be last night when I brought one home and had mind-numbing sex with one. That's when it happened.

"I will see you soon, Josephine. Until we meet again, Georgia Turner. "

"You need to stop calling me by my full name, smart ass. It's just Georgia. "

He gave her a d

ry smile, slightly inclining his head. Stefan winked at me, quietly leaving the villa. I heard his car start, the purr of the motor disappearing as it got farther away from the house.

Georgia settled into the chair across from me and scrutinized me.   I mentally prepared herself for the laundry list of questions she had ready for me.

"Well honey, I have to give you credit. You know how to pick 'em. Tall, blond and delicious. " Georgia was just getting warmed up, rubbing her hands together as her eyes gleamed. "So, how was it?"

Crossing my legs, I looked at the ceiling in exasperation while making a calculated decision to play stupid. I knew it would do two things simultaneously: stall her questions and piss her off. "How was what?"

Georgia let out a loud sigh, taking the time to adjust the ponytail that was perched high on the top of her head. "Darlin', let's not play stupid. You're much smarter than that and we both know this. So make it easy on momma and tell me the details. "

I pursed my lips. "It was wonderful. End of story. "

Georgia stood up, padding around the living room and glanced out the window. "He said he's coming back here in a few hours. Care to share why that is?"

I could feel the muscles in my shoulders tensing. I wasn't ready to have a conversation with her about Stefan, what his coming back meant or what potential we had as a couple. Did we have potential? I never thought I'd be worried about having a relationship, but here I was thinking about having one with an almost millennia old vampire.

What a difference a day makes.

Now it was Georgia that crouched down in front of me, her dark blue eyes concerned. "Honey, we talked about this last night and you insisted you didn't date or mix with men. Mr. Hunky McHunkerson sweeps in last night, brings your home for some wonderful 'whatever', and he's telling you he'll be back in a few hours. You have to see why I'm confused, sweetie," Georgia paused, patting my leg. "This isn't like you and I just want to know that you're okay with all of this. You are okay with all of this, right?"

I couldn't help but smile at Georgia. She was one of the few friends I'd managed to keep over my years of travel. She could drive you to the edge of drinking heavily, but she was fiercely protective of her friends. She reminded me of a momma bear with her cubs.

"To be honest, I don't know what the hell is going on, Georgia," I whispered, averting my eyes from her perceptive gaze. I swallowed hard and licked my lips nervously. "I like him and he likes me. Not to mention he's different from other men. "

"He's not from around here and I'd keep that one on a short leash, girlfriend. " Georgia grinned, standing up and heading for the front door. "I'm heading into town. Call me later?"

"Absolutely," I agreed, watching the door close behind her and releasing the breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. I was exhausted from my conversations with Stefan and Georgia. I was going to take a shower, eat lunch and take a nap and not feel the least bit guilty about it.


The feel of fingers trailing up my legs, soft and cool stirred me out of my sleep. Stretching, I opened my eyes to see a very naked Stefan stretched out beside me on the bed like a giant lion, his eyes and hands focused on my exposed legs.

I couldn't resist just staring at him for a moment, noticing all the little things I'd missed last night. His flawless skin was stretched taut across his cheekbones and his nose was slightly crooked. His lower lip was slightly fuller than the top and currently his teeth were biting into it, as if the task at hand required all of his concentration. His golden blond hair had fallen over his forehead, shielding his eyes. My attention focused on the dip between his collarbones and I suddenly had the urge to put my mouth there. Or possibly my tongue.