He gently removed his hand from mine and moved it to press against the small of my back as he led me across the parking lot to his car. It was a sleek and black with heavily tinted windows, expensive and meticulously taken care of. He opened the door gallantly for me and I lowered myself into the leather seat, feeling the heat of his eyes as they traveled the length of my legs. I cleared my throat and glanced up at him to let him know I'd caught him staring. His mouth quirked into a tiny smile as he closed the door and walked quickly around the car. He slid into the driver's seat and started the engine in one smooth motion.

"Where are we going, Josephine?" Stefan asked, his voice loud in the confined space of the car. I glanced at him and blinked for a moment. It hadn't hit me until now that I was inviting this man back to my home to 'talk'. I had an idea that my version of talking and his version were two different things.

"Go right out of the parking lot, my house is about three miles down the road on the left. 28124," I replied quietly, watching as he made short work of backing out of the parking space and pulling quickly onto the main road.

My eyes roamed over the interior of the car. It was all leather and had every gadget available. It wasn't the typical car you'd see in Canggu. "Your car is beautiful. It's much nicer than my jeep. "

"It is an Audi TT. I spare no expense when it comes to vehicles. " Stefan shrugged offhandedly.

He hummed as he drove along and tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. I used the time to study his profile in the darkness, the lines of his face harsh in the light from the dashboard. He would occasionally glance over at me and smile tightly, almost appearing to be nervous. I felt compelled to reach for his hand across the console, lacing my fingers with his. He released a deep sigh of relief and our contact filled the car with a quiet energy. We drove along in a comfortable silence and I lost myself in the quietness of his presence.

Feeling the car slowing, I glanced out the windshield to see Stefan making the turn into my driveway. He drove slowly over the gravel and came to a stop next to my jeep. He smoothly exited the car, closing the door behind him. I was reaching for the door handle when I realized that Stefan already had the car door open with his large hand extended to me. I could only stare at him blankly for a moment, wondering how he managed to move around the car so fast.

Placing my hand in his, he gently pulled me from the car. I led him up the steps to my villa, and pulled my hand away to unlock and open the door. I walked in and turned to look at him as he stood in the open doorway. He gave me a smile that sent my pulse racing and caused a wave of desire to course through me. I motioned for him to come inside while attempting to get my raging hormones under control.

"Come in. Can I get you something to drink. Water, tea?" Or me, I added silently. Switching on a lamp, I watched as Stefan made himself at home on my couch and stretched his long legs out in front of him.

"Nothing. Thank you, Josephine. " Stefan smiled slowly and his lips parted to display his dazzling display of straight, white teeth. He stretched his long arms across the back of the couch, his blue eyes sparkling devilishly. I couldn't help but pause to admire him, thinking to myself that he looked like he belonged there.

Shaking my head, I dropped my purse on the table by the door along with my keys. I stood silently for a moment with my arms crossed under my chest. I slowly let my shields down to see if I could get any vision or emotion from him now that we were completely alone. I closed my eyes and cringed as I waited for the onslaught of both to rush into my mind. All I was greeted with was blackness, a gentle hum and the quietness of the house.

What is he?

When I opened my eyes, I noticed that Stefan was silently observing me. His handsome face darkened with intensity and I felt a gentle pressure push against my mind, as if he was trying to communicate with me. Frowning slightly, he looked at me with uncertainty and the pressure disappeared. Apparently I was as perplexing to him as he was to me. I could almost see the highly-oiled wheels of his mind calculating his next move.

He slowly rose to his feet and crossed the room to stand in front of me, his hands lightly running down the length of my arms. I shivered involuntarily from the pleasure of his touch against my skin. "Are you okay, Josephine?"

I was anything but 'okay'. The touch of his hands and sound of his voice was causing my senses to spin and I was frustrated that I couldn't read him. It left me feeling vulnerable, unsettled and extremely turned on.

I blinked a few times, remembering that he'd asked me a question that required an answer.

"Yes, I'm just. . . " I began hesitantly as I turned my head to look up into the blue ocean of his eyes. I was desperately searching for the right words but his piercing stare was making it impossible for me to think clearly.

"Overwhelmed?" Stefan answered for me, his breathing unsteady. "I can see it in your eyes. There is no such thing as coincidence, Josephine. We were supposed to meet tonight. "

"We were supposed

to meet?" I asked quietly. I was frozen in place, amazed by the sincerity and emotion in his voice.

"I suppose some would call it fate. " Stefan ran the back of his fingers over my cheek and down the length of my neck, his eyes smoldering as they followed the path of his hand. "You are not what I expected. You are more. "

"More?" I repeated slowly. My hand moved on its own accord to trace the lines of his lips with my fingertips. I wanted, no, I needed to touch him to see if this was just another dream. I had to reassure myself that he was real. His lips were soft and I felt and watched his mouth curve into a smile under my gentle touch.

All he needed to do was kiss me and my flimsy self-control would snap in relief from the pressure.

Without another word, his head lowered and his lips collided with mine. His large hands pulled me tightly against him, molding us together. His fingers sensuously moved up my back, finally stopping to lightly fist in my hair. My body melted in his arms and my hands became busy working their way underneath the back of his shirt, relishing in the cool hardness of his body. His tongue begged for entrance into my mouth and I parted my lips to him, our tongues meeting and battling for control.

His hands drifted down to impatiently tug on the tie to my wrap dress and I moaned into his mouth as it fell open. His long fingers lingered against my skin as he pushed it over my shoulders. Stefan's lips left mine for a moment, long enough for his hooded eyes to wander slowly and deliberately over my nearly naked body.

"Beautiful," he murmured thickly, reclaiming my lips in a brief kiss. "Where is your bedroom?"

"Down the hallway, Stefan," I breathed in response.

He swept me up into his arms and my legs instinctively wrapped around his narrow waist. His hands cupped my ass as he quickly carried me into my bedroom, softly placing me in the middle of the bed. Stefan stood motionless above me as his eyes possessively raked over my body. He was almost feline in nature, his posture predatory.

"Stefan, take off your clothes. Please," I whispered impatiently. I couldn't wait to see him naked since he was close to perfection fully clothed.

He leered at me for a moment and raised an eyebrow in response to my request. He knew he had me exactly where he wanted me: nearly naked on my bed and writhing in need for him.