"Josephine, I cannot read your mind right now but I can tell that it is going a million miles a minute. " Stefan got up from the bed and extended his large hand to me. I looked up at him, my mouth still agape. "It is still early enough to go out. Shower, dress and I will be waiting for you in the living room. "

Brushing Stefan's extended hand aside, I jumped up from the bed and stomped to the bathroom. I didn't look back at him. I knew if I did and saw that smirk on his face, I'd explode. I slammed the door closed and turned on the shower, stepping under the hot spray. Showering quickly, I dried myself off and pulled a comb rapidly through my hair. Wiping off the mirror with the towel, I rubbed moisturizer on my face and dabbed on lip gloss.

I found that the more I went through my routine, the less angry was at him. I wasn't sure how I felt about this instant relationship I could feel myself sinking into with him. Was he assuming I'd give up everything to follow him around the world on his 'vampire missions?!' The more I considered it, the more I realized I probably would do just that. There was some sort of invisible bond I felt to the vampire that was waiting for me in the other room.

Angrily stomping my foot in a very Georgia-like fashion at my thoughts, I opened the door to head back to my bedroom. I pulled out a pair of dark blue jeans and an aqua sequined tank top, picking out a matching bra and panties and quickly dressed. Slipping my feet into a pair of low-heeled sandals, I walked over to the full length mirror on my closet door and stopped briefly to put gold hoops through my ear lobes. Even though I was irritated, I had to admit that I'd never looked better. My skin was glowing, my cheeks flushed a soft pink. If this was the side effect of hot sex with a vampire Adonis, I'd gladly sign on for more.

Looking at my reflection for a final time in the mirror, I took several deep breaths and slowly walked down the hallway to see him sitting cross-legged on my couch. He was flipping through my first published book, 'Harnessing your Inner Psychic'. I stopped to take in the sight before me, feeling a giggle rise in my chest and deflating my remaining anger. It was funny enough trying to figure out how he'd managed to get his six-foot-four body in a cross-legged position on my couch. Seeing him reading a metaphysical self-help book was icing on the proverbial cake.

I felt my face relax into a large smile and I cleared my throat loudly. "Feeling the need for some metaphysical self-help?" I questioned innocently, still fighting my internal giggles.

Stefan looked up at me, his eyes twinkling. "I am happy that I amuse you. " His gaze moved appreciatively over me, not missing one inch of my body. "You look beautiful, Josephine. Mouth-watering. "

Stefan had changed into another pair of jeans and had paired them with a dark gray t-shirt that was as thin as tissue, the muscles of his chest outlined through the transparent material. A shiver moved down my spine as my eyes traced his torso longingly. I wanted to explore his chest with my hands and rip the shirt from him since I knew what was underneath. Shaking my head, I tried to clear my muddled thoughts and stomp down my growing, needy libido.

"Are you ready, Romeo?" I questioned as casually as I could manage, focusing on grabbing my purse and keys from the table. Stefan effortlessly unfolded himself from the couch and walked over join me by the door. He pulled me against the hardness of his body, his lips in my still-damp hair.

I felt him inhale slightly against me. Was he smelling me?! My body temperature rose when I realized that not only was he smelling me that I liked it. I knew it was time to change direction before dinner and our clothes became a distant memory.

"So, where are we going?" I asked curiously, pulling slightly away from him and tugging at his hand to follow me. We left the house and I stopped long enough for me to lock the door behind us.

"A restaurant called 'Deus. ' I hear it has acceptable food. " Stefan wrinkled his nose again. I had to admit that was one of his more adorable facial expressions. A six-foot plus vampire wrinkling his nose was not anything I ever expected to see.

"And what are you going to do while I eat? Can you eat?" I asked as he opened the car door for me, patiently waiting to close it until I'd pulled my legs inside of the small, expensive car. I was amazed that someone his size could squeeze in a car this small. I heard the driver's side door close and I realized just how fast he could move. It took him less than two seconds to make it around the car and get inside. My face must have reflected my shock because he grinned smugly at me.

"I cannot eat food. I will send most of my time pushing food on my plate and enjoying your company. Do not worry about me. I plan on eating later, vackra. " His eyes burned into mine as the double meaning of his words sank in, causing me to squirm uncomfortably in my seat.

Reaching behind me for the seat belt, I clicked it into place. I tried to arrange my face into something that resembled a smirk, but I probably failed miserably. "I told you that you need to translate. I don't speak Swedish. "

He laughed loudly at my statement and started the car, the engine a quiet purr. "Soon, vackra. Until then, you will just have to wonder. Du ?r vacker n?r du ?r arg. "

I angrily crossed my arms under my chest. He was still laughing as he pulled out of my driveway onto the main road, heading into town.


We were sitting on the patio at Deus. It was nearly nine o'clock at night and the restaurant/bar was crowded with locals and tourists alike. It was artsy with surf boards and motorcycles on display throughout the building. I picked at my duck salad and greedily sucked down mojitos. Stefan moved chicken wontons around his plate while twisting his mouth in distaste, switching glasses with me when mine would empty, which was quite frequently.

"I think you're trying to get me drunk. Is that what you're trying to do?" I giggled as I downed my second drink, slamming the glass on the table. He smoothly switched drink glasses with me, so quickly that I almost didn't catch the movement of his hand.

"Explain what the purpose would be for me to do that, Josephine? We are already well acquainted and I have no need to try to get into your pants," Stefan teased, his eyebrows waggling seductively. "In fact, there are numerous parts of you I would like to revisit. " He seemed to be distracted by watching me eat and drink, his eyes tracing over the curve of throat as I ate my dinner.

"Interesting. Care to share what places you'd like to revisit?" Biting my lip, I slipped my foot out of my shoe and slowly rubbed my foot up the inside of his leg. Stefan rested his elbows on the table and tented his fingers under his chin, grinning cockily. The alcohol was making me feel very bold and uninhibited. I was just getting ready to lean across the table when a tap on my shoulder interrupted my plans.

"Josie Anderson is out two nights in a row? Should I alert the media?"

Glancing up, I was stunned to see Anna and her companion of the evening standing at the edge of our table. I rose unsteadily to my feet and hugged Anna briefly, wondering why I hadn't been able to see this happening. This was at least the second time I'd been caught off guard by not having a mental vision to forewarn me. Anna patted me on the shoulder and pushed me back down in my chair, interrupting my inner thoughts. She flipped her dark brown curls over her shoulder, grabbing her date by the arm.

"Do you mind if we join you?" Anna asked, her brown eyes wide as she took in our table. I took a moment to focus on her date, noticing the similarities between Stefan and Mr. No Name that stood beside her.

He wasn't the kind of man Anna usually chose to date. She normally went for the blond surfer type, the kind of man that was all action and not

much of a mental challenge. Her date tonight wasn't as tall or handsome as Stefan and looked to be a few years older, but he had the same iridescent quality to his ivory skin. His short hair was black and his ice blue eyes had a familiar sparkle to them.

Glancing across the table at Stefan, it was obvious by the look on his face that he knew the mystery man. A tiny smile lifted the corners of his lips and he winked at me.

"Please sit down. Josephine and I would love for you to join us. Lukas, it's good to see you," Stefan said, motioning to our table. Anna took the seat next to me and Lukas sat down across from Anna, next to Stefan. I had no idea my night out was going to include watching 'VampBook' in action.

"My manners are shitty, Josie. This is Lukas Meijer. He came in to look at properties two weeks ago and we struck up a friendship. Yada yada yada, he stopped in today before I left work and asked me to dinner. So, Josie this is Lukas. Lukas, my good friend Josie Anderson that I told you about. And Lukas, it's obvious you know Josie's friend. " Anna gave Lukas one of her patented death stares. I'd been on the receiving end of one of those looks once and I shivered involuntarily at the memory.