"Please. I want to do this," I begged, gently squeezing his hands and slowly nibbling my teeth against the soft skin of his neck.

His low growl of approval vibrated against me as my lips blazed a trail down his throat and across his collarbone. I released his hands and placed them beside his legs, giving him a look that warned him to keep them there. He sat motionless, still watching every move I made with his piercing blue eyes.

Moving to stand between his legs, I leaned over to palm his thighs and whispered quietly against his ear. "Lean back. "

He moved his hands and braced them behind him. I traced my eyes over every inch of his long hard body, sweeping across his sculpted chest, down his finely muscled arms and finally stopping to rest on his toned abdomen.

He was magnificent. And he was completely mine.

Sinking to my knees, I swirled my tongue over his hip and dragged my lips across his stomach, gently kissing the head of his cock.

"Josephine," he groaned.

My eyes flickered up, watching as his blond head fell back against his shoulders and his fingers dug into the covers behind him. His broad chest was heaving with panting breaths. Drunk with power, I licked my lips and sank my mouth down over his cock, my hands still gripping his thighs.

His hips involuntarily thrust against me as my lips moved over him, pulling him deeper and faster inside of my mouth. I groaned around him as I felt him twitch against my lips.

"Nog! Enough!" He growled deeply through gritted teeth. "Vackra, I do not want to come this way. "

Releasing him with a light pop, I let him fall from my mouth. Pushing lightly against his chest and forcing him back against the bed, I crawled slowly up the length of his body. Every inch of our skin was touching as I pressed against him. "Do you want to be inside of me when you come?"

He swallowed hard, his throat bobbing. "Yes. "

"Do you want to make me come too?" I asked, nuzzling my nose against his cheek.

"Josephine. . . . "

"Answer me. Do you want to touch me?" I brushed my lips against his as I spoke. His mouth parted and his tongue flickered out to lick across his lower lip. I knew all too well what that tongue was capable of and I'd had enough of trying to control him. I wanted to lose myself in him and everything he had to offer.

"More than I can tell you. Jag vill begrava min kuk i dig. Jag vill att du ber f?r mig att sluta," He muttered softly as he switched to speak in his native tongue.

Instead of kissing me, he opened his mind to me, revealing exactly what he wanted to do in explicit detail. He wanted to devour every part of me, bury himself inside of me until I screamed his name and begged for him to stop.

"Don't just show me what you want to do to me with your mind. Do it," I whispered in challenge.

His large hands blurred to cup each side of my face, capturing my mouth in a kiss that was as raw and unapologetic as it was seductive. In a blur, he had flipped me on my back on the bed, his pale body looming over me.

"Josie!" I heard my name being called from a distance. The offending voice wasn't his, it was garbled and distorted. Choosing to ignore it, I focused back on him. My lips sought his again, his smile brief as our lips reconnected, wet and filled with need.

I felt a hand grasp my shoulder, slightly shaking me. He began to disappear around me, fading away before my eyes. I already mourned the loss of his mouth against mine and my skin cried out for him.

"Josie, wake up. " The insistent voice was back and was much clearer this time.

"No, come back. Don't leave me," I murmured, frantically grasping at his fading form.

"I will see you again soon, vackra. " With those parting words, he completely disappeared.

My eyes flew open and I sat straight up with a strangled gasp and I felt as if my heart was going to pound out of my chest. Running my hands through my hair, my eyes darted around the room in search of him. I was disappointed to see my neighbor sitting on the edge of my bed, her face twisted in concern as she watched me hesitantly.

"Josie, you scared the crap outta me. Are you okay?" Georgia asked quietly. She leaned over to place her hand on my trembling arm.

"Uh, yeah. Give me a sec," I stammered. I rubbed my face with my hands and tried to sort out my jumbled thoughts. I'd dreamed of him again. He was a beautiful, perfect fragment of my imagination.

When my head cleared, I focused my attention back on Georgia. She was still watching me nervously from her perch at the end of my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped at her. She flinched at my tone and I felt horrible that I was taking my frustration out on her. I wasn't used to having such vivid dreams. Especially the kind I'd been having lately. "Shit, I didn't mean to snap. I'm still not awake. "

"Pfft, I've had worse. You should meet my sister. " She waved me off and her face relaxed into a smile. "I was stopping by to see if you wanted to go out tonight. Anna called me earlier and she wants to meet us at the Echo Beach Club. I think she misses us. "