“I hate talking.” She let out a half chuckle. “And now I’m making you cry.”
“Talkingismy specialty, you know?” I kissed her salty cheek, resting my lips there until she relaxed a minuscule amount.
She lay a gentle hand on my chest, against the spot she’d hit. “Sadly, yes.”
I plucked up her hand and pressed a kiss against her palm. Her citrusy scent, mingled with a hint of salty sea air—which was somehow not a perfume—overcame me. “Would you prefer a distraction? I’m also quite good at those.”
She smiled. Finally. “That’s also true.”
“Papa called while I was on the drive and he wants me at the studio at 5:30 sharp.”
“What time is it now?”
I flipped over my wrist to check my watch. “Just after five. It should only be him and Sofia, if that’s alright with you? I told him we had somewhere else to be, but—”
She pushed back to sit straighter, so I could take in her stunning, pale green eyes. “You know, I think your father is exactly the kind of distraction I need.”
“Alright.” I patted her knees, but she didn’t budge. “You need to get changed for Cassandra’s party, and I need a quick shower.”
A hint of the light sparkled in her eyes—the one I’d been expecting when I got home.
I put up a finger before she could force out any lewd jokes that she didn’t really feel. “Don’t go there, Ms. Caine. We have somewhere to be, which is more pressing.”
She grabbed my finger and pulled my free arm around her waist, snuggling closer. “Give me five more minutes of this.”
“If I have to,” I said with a smirk she didn’t see.
“Mom never talked about him, you know?” Samantha let out a soft sigh. “The letter was him apologizing for leaving again and that he’d promised not to. If that was the last thing she had from him, maybe she always hoped he’d come home.”
I kissed the side of her head, squeezing her to me. “She knew he’d never abandon her, you, or your sister.”
And I’ll never abandon you, either, Samantha.I stroked a hand over her hair, attempting to comfort her, lending her whatever support and calm I could.
Part of me thought to prove myself by pulling out the engagement ring from its hiding space but it was hardly the right time, just before the party. The night was about Cassandra, not about us, not about stealing any thunder from her celebration. The proposal would wait until the right moment, after the party. We would be home alone and there would be nothing but our future together waiting for us.
Samantha took in one deep breath and sat bolt upright, swung her legs off my lap, and stood. She was clear of the pain, just like that. At least, she had it shoved so deep inside her I wouldn’t see it again for at least an hour. “Let’s go. I need that distraction.”
Chapter 4
Antonioparkedhiscarin front of the Ferraro’s Fine Art Restoration and Conservation office and pointed at me with mock-gravity. It was theSit still so I can open your doorsign. Normally, I complained or rolled my eyes at the ridiculous show, but this time I stayed comfortable in the buttery-soft leather seat of his Maserati convertible and watched him move.
He’d chosen a gray herringbone blazer over navy pants and a matching dress shirt with the top three buttons undone. His gaze remained locked with mine as he rounded the front of the car, grinning at me the whole time.
I’d known I missed him, but sharing space with him really hit home how much. Welivedtogether now. We were making a future together. And the moment Elliot gave me bad news this morning, all I wanted was him.
He opened my door with a flourish and held out a hand to help me out.
“Did I ever tell you this car is too low?” I slipped my hand into his, and he pulled me up into his arms. The studio’s front wall was all glass—his father and sister were standing right there. I pushed back lightly. “No PDAs in front of your family.”
He held tight, pressed a kiss to my cheek, and whispered into my ear. “Last chance to abandon all our plans and go home, so I can see what you’re wearing under that tiny little skirt.”
I leaned my torso away from him, hands against his chest, and frowned. “Knee-length is not tiny, and if you keep this up, I’ll stay over at Cass’s tonight and you’ll have to wait until tomorrow.”
Sofia hauled the door open. Her thick black hair was up in a twist, highlighting the high neck of her tight emerald dress. “Get in here already! My family’s waiting for me at home.”
Antonio chuckled and eased his arms away from me, holding them up in surrender. Without turning to see her, he replied, “You always spoil my fun.”