Page 66 of The San Marco Heist

I skirted the edge of the pool, keeping my arm around Scarlett in case she needed balance anywhere.

The devil on my shoulder told me to run that hand down her hip again, over the ass she gave me permission to touch. There was no one to sell it to at the moment, so it was doubtful she’d appreciate it.

I’d never worked with a woman like her. Gorgeous women, sure, but all grifters and gold diggers, women who wanted more than I was interested in giving. All Scarlett Reynolds wanted at that moment was help getting her brother back.

The garage loomed to our left, separated from the patio by the light well. I peered over the railing which divided it from the patio. We’d already passed the turret stairwell Dec and Jayce had entered through. At the far end of the little alley, stairs led down to an underground staff apartment and would take us directly into the indoor pool area. From there, it was through the lounge and into the turret. Then up to watch for security.

“I’m in the security system,” said Brie. “I’ve opened up a wireless connection, so take out the USB. I don’t need it anymore. Will, I’m getting you in, too.”

My heart crashed, adrenaline spiking through my system. We were going to pull it off. We were going to get that ring.

Scarlett and I rounded the corner to the stairs into the light well. A rope hung across the top, the same as in the grand hall.

I let go of her waist, taking her hand while she lifted her dress and stepped gingerly over the rope.

Declan swore under his breath. “Safe two’s open. No ring.”

“Shit,” said Jayce. “I’m running the metal detector around the room in case there’s a hidden safe somewhere. Maybe the floor.”

“We don’t have time for this.” Scarlett hurried down the stairs, dress still hitched up to her thighs. “What about the biometrics, Will?”

“Working on it.”

“Say the word and I’ll pull out the drill,” said Declan. “Scoping the lock may help, but it makes it awful easy for them to figure out someone was here.”

Scarlett let her hem fall to the ground, practically running to the pool door. Her cool was completely evaporating. When she reached the glass door at the end, she stopped, took a deep breath, and put the professional mask back in place.

A man’s voice floated down from above us, and I put a finger to my lips. We were on the other side of the rope barrier and couldn’t risk being caught. At least, not down here.

She nodded and put a gentle hand on the door, pulling it.


The door was locked.

The fucking door was locked!

The voice grew more distinct. “I’m sure I saw them head this way.”

There wasn’t enough time to pick the lock and nowhere to hide in the light well. It was a straight path from the stairs which descended into it to the pool door. The wall to the car gallery floor was on one side and the door into the staff suite on the other.

Scarlett pointed at the suite door. If someone was inside, that would look like a break and enter. Not the right choice.

Footsteps approached on the patio stones above. If they looked over the railing into the light well, they’d see us.

I yanked Scarlett to me—her eyes flying wide in surprise—and did what my body had wanted to do since the first time I laid eyes on her. I flattened her against the wall and my lips landed on hers. One of my hands threaded into her hair, while the other gripped her waist.

She’d been caught off guard and barely reacted.

Did level five include tongue? Probably not. We didn’t need tongue if we were going to spring away from each other and look embarrassed for being caught.

“I think you’ll like them,” said the voice above us. Closer than before, I recognized it. Bruce White again. The architect.

Fuck it. He was going to get a show that would make it clear I wasn’t interested in whateverhouse touractually meant to him. I slid my hand down Scarlett’s fine ass, cupped it, and pulled her against me. Heat burned through my body, and I crushed my lips against hers, encouraging her to open for me.Give up your self-control for a second and let me in.

Her back bowed away from the wall and her lips parted, her tongue joining mine in the deception. She tasted like apples and wedding cake. Smelled like lilies and vanilla. Her hair was silky soft, and I wanted to comb my fingers through it, but the updo denied me.

“Lucius, there you are!”