Page 46 of The San Marco Heist

Relegated to the driver. Fantastic. I was never good enough, was I? If I told them about my side job, maybe they would have let me help more. Although maybe they would have sent me home. In a body bag.This is about her lack of trust in you, Mal, not about your skills.More like her lack of trust in everyone but her precious team.

One more reason working alone was better. She didn’t have the flexibility I did. I could work with anyone. She could only work with the people in this room and a few others. What must it have been like for the contractors they hired? No wonder they went through so many. It wasn’t fear of Scarlett; it was probably irritation at being dismissed so much.

Jayce pulled a wrapped chocolate out of her pocket and began twisting it open. “Which leaves the most important question—where’s the ring?”

“Good morning, everyone.” All eyes turned to the large screen with Brie’s face, which was now split in two, showing Evelyn Reynolds on one side. It was only five in the morning for them, but she was bright-eyed, with immaculate hair and makeup. “I had a few things I wanted to discuss before you get into your planning session.”

Scarlett straightened so much her spine practically snapped, and she clasped her hands behind her back. “Morning, Mu—Evelyn. I wasn’t expecting you on the call.”

Evelyn gave a curt nod. “First, I’d like to say thank you to everyone for working extra hours to resolve this issue quickly. Brie hasn’t left the office since Saturday, and I trust you’re all committing yourselves as fully to our endeavor.”

There were nods around the room and murmurs of ‘Yes.’

“Scarlett, darling, I’ll need you to review USB usage with Brie when you get home. If you’d been faster at the architect’s office, you wouldn’t have been caught and you’d have the blueprints.”

She nodded once to her mother, her jaw as tight as her posture.

Evelyn Reynolds did not pull punches. She reminded me of my father—just with longer hair, lipstick, and pearls. “We’ll also have to run a few scenarios on how to react when someone catches you. There were three things you said which I think we can improve on without inviting him to touch you.”

“I didn’t invite—”

“Of course not, darling. But the day we stop learning from our mistakes and improving is the day we hang up the hat and go home.” Evelyn looked down, eyes flicking back and forth as though reading something. “Will, your drone was excellent. I’d like you to build a few more and ship them out here. Brie, once we’re done with this mission, get back to improving the nav systems.”

“Yes, Evelyn,” said Will and Brie in unison.

“Jayce, kudos on your initiative yesterday. You were quick and stealthy, plus good thinking with sending the additional stream. Your footsteps were a little loud though, so either stop eating so much or wear different shoes next time.”

Jayce rolled up on her toes. “I’ll get new shoes.”

“Declan and Rav…” Evelyn looked up, scanning her screen. “Where’s Rav?”

Scarlett said, “Meeting with another source. He’ll be here soon.”

“Good. Neither of you have done much so far, so good job with that, I suppose.” She waved a dismissive hand. “Now. Where’s the blue-eyed wonder?”

Declan nudged me. “That’s you, bud.”

Evelyn’s face was as impassive as Scarlett’s. The ice queen and the ice princess. “I appreciate your quick thinking at the architect’s office. From what I hear, you identified he was attracted to you, flirted with him, and got some information.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

She cocked an eyebrow, and the resemblance between her and Scarlett became clearer. Their hair and eyes were different colors, but their bone structure and condescending glares were the same. “However, I can only say that’s what I hear, since you shut off your earpiece. I expect you’ve heard this is one of our cardinal rules, and if you ever do it again, I’ll recall the jet and fly over there to put three bullets in your chest before you have time to turn the earpiece back on. Am I clear?”

I had the overwhelming desire to stand at attention like Scarlett. “Crystal, ma’am.”

“Good. I’d also like to state that you did an excellent job getting the team into the Albrechts’ house yesterday. Apparently, flirting is your superpower. Use it wisely.”

I nodded, rolling her words over in my head. She was about as good with the compliment sandwich as my father was. Two artificial kudos to wrap up the truth—I’d done a shit job at the architect’s office.

Although everyone else got positives. No mention of Jayce running off without telling us yesterday. Nor of Brie losing the drone in the bushes. Criticizing the man who left her son in New York with his kidnappers made sense. But why so harsh with Scarlett?

“Finally, we received word from our client this morning that the Codex of San Marco has not yet arrived, and the courier is not responding to messages.”

Jayce let out a tiny gasp and Declan said, “Come again?”

What did that mean? Had the team I’d worked with in Boston tracked down the Reynolds courier? Or had the clowns gone after it when Scarlett said she didn’t have it?

Evelyn continued. “I’ll have to deal with it for now, but when you get home, Scarlett, I expect you to perform a full review of our transportation plans.”