Page 23 of The San Marco Heist

Brie said, “I couldn’t narrow them down to more than a five-block radius. And in the Garment District, five blocks is a lot of people.”

“The game was in the Upper East Side, and they questioned us there,” said Malcolm. “They’ve moved him, so I can’t help pinpoint them.”

“I can work with the filters to unscramble the voice,” said Will. “Want me to focus on that or help with whatever case they sent you?”

“Will, track down information about the other players at the poker game. Malcolm will cooperate and provide as much as he can.” I glowered at him, silently making every threat I’d wanted to make on that phone call. “That includes the name of who invited you, the names of every person you know from that room, and every second of what you can tell us about what happened.”

Malcolm’s eyes softened. “I want to bring Emmett home as much as you do. You did your research and confirmed I told the truth about what I do for a living. Your brother trusts me. So should you.”

If only it was ever that easy for me. Trust had to be earned, not begged for. “Brie, we’re going to review this file, and I need you to pull all the stops. Use whatever resources you can.”

She lifted one finger in that way she did, like a nervous schoolgirl asking the teacher a question. “I know you won’t be happy about this, but…”

I raised my eyebrows, waiting as patiently as I possibly could for her to get over the nerves of whatever had to come out of her mouth. We had to get going, not hem and haw.

“I got a call from Zac this morning.”

She was right. I had a good feeling I knew what she was about to say, and I wasn’t going to like it.

Will blurted out, “It’s fantastic news, Scar. I think the great idea.”

I turned my glower on him—he was lucky he was in England. “Let me guess. Ashley wants to come work here?”

Brie may have been nervous to tell me, but the sparkle in her eyes gave her away. That woman had stolen my getaway driver. If Zac had been with me last night, Emmett wouldn’t have been there. He wouldn’t have talked to Malcolm, he wouldn’t have been revving his engine, and who knows what else he wouldn’t have done.

And there was one thing for sure. If Zac had been at my side last night, the kidnappers wouldn’t have taken Emmett this morning, because they wouldn’t have had any idea he was linked to our recovery of the Codex.

Ash could burn in hell.

“She still works for the FBI, so she’s of no use on this job.” The rest, we could argue about later. I stood from my seat. “We need to call the team in. I want to talk this over with Rav, Jayce, and Declan. Then we’ll figure out our next steps and call in the support staff.”

I pulled out my phone, staring at it for a blink. The biggest question of the night was whether to keep Malcolm in the loop.

We were down two of our core team members. I’d have to either bring in a contractor or use the one sitting across the table from me. As a private investigator for people as wealthy as Philip Maguire, Malcolm would probably be a help.

The problem was, I wasn’t sure if I trustedmyselfto make the decision. Was I swayed by Emmett’s plea in the video? Or was it those forearms and their corded muscle? The strong jawline? The brilliant-blue eyes?

Or was I just way too tired?

Chapter 10


ScarlettandIsatat a small round table in the office kitchen, a mug of coffee in front of each of us. It was strangely normal. Brie was working upstairs, and from the excited chatter drifting down from her lab now and then, she must have still been on her call with Will.

“Are they an item?”

She stared at her mug. “Brie and Will? Nah. They’ve been best friends since they were, I don’t know, nine? Maybe ten? They did every school project together, from elementary all the way up through university. They skipped social events instead of school—to play video games. They built their first computers together.”

“And they work for the family company together?”


I took a sip of my Americano. It would be hours until I needed the jolt, so there would be more in my future. “Emmett said it was a family business. He never mentioned having more than one sister, but when the two of you were sitting next to each other, I noted some similarities. So, I’m guessing either sisters or cousins?”

“Sisters.” Her gaze lifted to meet mine, and a sliver of fatigue showed on her face. A little in the squint of her eyes, a little just in how she didn’t snap at me. “Fair warning. I haven’t decided whether you’re in or not.”

“You’ve downloaded all the details about the Chalcis Ring frommyphone. Whether or not you let me help your team, I’m going to do something about this. Emmett may not be my brother, but he’s my friend.” One of the few I had. “I expect we’d both be more successful if we worked together.”