Was that the right answer?
Before I could find out, my phone rang.
Chapter 9
Lastweekend,I’darrivedin Boston with Zac and Rav. Our plan had been to secure blueprints for the Codex’s location and for the security measures surrounding it. Our mission had been planned within an inch of its life, like always. The way I demanded.
But the mysterious other team was a variable I hadn’t expected. After they stole the schematics for the Codex’s case from us, we’d snuck into the safe company that’d designed the case and retrieved the plans Philip Maguire had commissioned. We’d also discovered a duplicate set of plans, drawn up for an organization called the Fenix Group. It left me wondering: Was there more going on? Was there another codex somewhere? And was the other team involved in Emmett’s kidnapping?
They hadn’t gotten close enough to see me—and even if they had, I was in disguise. Unless they’d somehow gotten into the Maguire mansion, made me, and then saw Emmett and Malcolm’s interaction before we left?
No one on my team had talked—I trusted each of them with my life.
As much as I hated to agree with him, Malcolm was right. Again. We had to negotiate and buy time, then we could figure out who was behind everything. Money came first.
Brie attached a cord to her tablet and passed the loose end to Malcolm. “Plug that in. It’ll let us trace the call.”
Malcolm hesitated. “But I already know where they are? Why do you need that?”
“You know where they are, so long as they haven’t moved.” I pointed at the cord. “Plug it in, then answer.”
He did as asked and answered, “This is Malcolm.”
The same distorted voice as on the original video came over the phone. “Do you have the Codex?”
“No.” He flashed those light-blue eyes at me, eyes that no doubt caused knees to give out all over the world. They must have served him well as a private eye, if that was all he really was. Something still niggled at the back of my brain, telling me there was more to him than that.
I put up a hand before he said more. “This is Scarlett Reynolds. Emmett is my brother.”
“The legendary thief, herself?”
Jackass clown. “I’m not sure what you’ve heard, but I’m a recovery agent. And what I want to discuss with you is recovering my brother.”
Brie tipped her tablet toward me, showing her trace narrowing in on New York City. Will, meanwhile, was on mute, attempting to undo the distortion so we could get the sound of his real voice.
“The price is the Codex.”
A jackass and stubborn. Great.
I leaned forward, a knot twisting in my stomach, and I stared daggers into the phone. If only Emmett had listened. If only he were less of a gambler. Less concerned with fun times and fast money. “Before we discuss this any further, I need proof my brother’s alright. Your courier showed me the video, and he was in bad shape.”
“Trust us. He’s in no worse shape than—”
“I don’t trust anyone. Let me hear him or you can call back later.”
There was silence, followed by a jostling sound, then a groan. The knot loosened a little when I heard Emmett in the background. He was still alive and speaking clearly, which meant a lot.
“Scar? That you?” The same panic laced Emmett’s voice as in the video.
Tamp it down. Hold it back. Stay in control.“It is. Are you alright?”
He scoffed, and I could just imagine his sheepish look. It was the same one he always gave me when Mum caught us doing something wrong as kids. With a mother like Evelyn, we never got away with anything, although she encouraged us to try.
“Are you as alright as you could be under the circumstances?”
“I’ll say yes to that one.”