Page 105 of The San Marco Heist

“I tried.” Malcolm gave a half-hearted shrug. “I honestly did.”

He came for me, despite everything I’d said to him. He could have left or told Rav where I was, but instead, he chose to come for me himself.

A little voice in the back of my head repeated his words, You’re worth so much more. “Noah told me the truth, that he didn’t pay you for this job.”

Malcolm gripped my wrists and brought my hands down to his chest. “We really need to get going.”

“I know.” I gave him a quick peck on the lips, despite wanting to throw my arms around him and never let go again. “I just have one thing I need to do first.”

Chapter 42


“You’regoingtohellfor that,” said Emmett after the third time he watched the video of the Velatti driving into the swimming pool.

Declan hadn’t even been there, but he narrated the entire experience as though he had. He laughed so hard every time, I thought he was about to fall off his chair.

The group of us sat around a café table at the edge of St. Mark’s Square, like Declan had invited me to the night before. Round tables with chairs spilled out into the piazza. Lights ringed the entire square, every window on the first three floors of each building glowing bright. It was ten o’clock Monday night and the crowds were still thick.

An outdoor band played at our café, complete with piano, clarinet, and a string quartet. The music varied between classical background music, show tunes, and a rousing version of ‘New York, New York.’ Across the square, another band joined ours, playing the same tune.

Emmett had been released from the hospital that afternoon. Jayce had just finished her second gelato, Scarlett was on her second glass of wine, and even Rav had cracked a smile at the ridiculous video Brie had sent.

Thomas Maguire and his bodyguard were arrested last night, and the Carabinieri TPC had taken the Tesoro di San Marco. The only negative was that Noah and his man had gotten away. He’d be out there somewhere, but from his final words, he’d be waiting for Scarlett to join him instead of pursuing her. Hopefully, she was safe. Brie was already on the trail, tasking her support staff with finding him.

Scarlett raised her glass. “Here’s to three successful recoveries.”

Everyone at the table held up their glasses and clinked. After watching Noah and his thug run off, she’d grabbed the Codex and the Chalcis Ring. Before Emmett was out of the hospital, she had them safely heading back to London to their respective museums.

Declan raised his beer. “And here’s to a quiet stay in Venice for a few days until poor little Em is allowed to go home.”

Emmett nudged him, but winced as he did. “The doctors are being ridiculous.”

Rav frowned at him. “The correct word is cautious. And I agree with them.”

“Such a stick in the mud.” Emmett took a sip of his water. Rav had forbidden him from consuming alcohol for a few days. No dehydration.

Jayce dropped her gelato cup onto the table. “Did Brie ever figure anything out about those Fenix people? Do you think Noah was working for them? Or did he and his tattooed buddy go through all of this for that golden feather?”

Scarlett leaned back in her chair, crossed leg swaying to the band’s rhythm. “I don’t want to think about that right now. Let’s just have a little time to relax.”

“Alright.” Jayce shot up from her chair. “I need to try the vanilla. Anyone want anything?”

“Watching you eat is making me hungry,” said Rav. “I’m coming with you.”

The two of them wandered off, and Scarlett smiled. Her long hair was down, the lights from the square reflecting off the auburn strands. After a week and half full of stress, emergencies, and fear, she was finally at ease. Not facing the prospect of having to flee anywhere, and despite the uneven ground of the square, she was happily back in her four-inch heels. Skinny Capri pants, and light-pink silk blouse.

“Speaking of spending time together…” Declan nudged my leg under the table. “I thought you didn’t do teams. What are you still doing here?”

Scarlett picked up her wineglass and narrowed her eyes at him over it. “Watch it, Ramsey.”

“What?” His mock innocence was made more obvious by the smirk he couldn’t keep down. “I have no idea what you mean.”

The band shifted tempo, playing something better suited for dancing.

I took Scarlett’s glass from her and placed it on the table. “May I have the honor of this dance?”

“I thought you’d never ask.”