She ignored his hand and hugged his neck. “It’s alright, Sar. Your daughter was here. No one told me, or I’d have known you had more important things to do.”
Her emotions ate at her until she felt the ripple of fire across her skin. She pulled away before she burned the primordial. “I know I have a home here, but you have more important duties than having dinner with me.”
He brushed her hair out of her face. “And what makes you think you aren’t important, lilly bug?”
Sarus finally pushed all her blonde hair away from her face. Her blue eyes sparkled from the unshed tears. Her cheeks were more pink than normal from the emotions she displayed. The little hidden freckles were more prominent than before.
She reminded him of the first day he saw her and how he vowed always to protect her. Deal or no deal with Rick. “Because you are important to me. I know you don’t enjoy being alone and hate your fire.”
When the small flames danced across her arms and shoulders, the primordial tapped them away. “Without you realizing it, you already have a part of me, Gwen. Violet saw more of my children out there. You won’t be alone forever, lilly bug. Eventually, all my children will be with me.” He smiled as he placed a kiss on her forehead.
“I don’t hate my fire. I hate I can’t control it,” Gwen whispered as her heart broke a little more. If more of his children were in the realm, that meant less time for her with him. “Being alone isn’t bad. It means I don’t hurt anyone like Thingy. I won’t apologize for burning Rin’s hair. She’s a bitch and deserved it.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “I know it’s different when you have your kids around. That’s why Rick had to take care of me. Our dad didn’t want me, and neither did my mom. If Rick didn’t find me.” She shrugged. “I’ll bring the guys back for you, Sar. Without them being burned.”
“I know you will, and I know when you come back, you might be very proud of the woman you become.” Sarus smiled. He raised his hand above him to create a brief illusion for the two of them. “Something tells me I won’t be able to cradle you when you come back. Come on.” He rose to his feet as he gathered her into his arms. “Before you leave, let’s find more places to plant your favorite flowers.”
She curled into his chest and hugged him as tightly as she could. It hurt to think she couldn’t do this again with Sar, but she understood. “Will you put a tree here? Like the one in your main garden?” she asked in a whisper. She understood this would be the last time he treated her like a daughter, but she still wanted a part of him there when she came back.
The simple illusion created a small version of Gwen. It was something Sarus found to help her emotions and fire. When they stopped at a small opening in the garden, he rested his cheek against her small head. “Right here?” When she nodded, he placed the seedling into the ground before cradling her again. “This will always be a part of me, lilly bug. Always.”
Macranmilitarydrillswith the fairies, and Sarus fed Tulip breakfast. Violet savored the silence in the realm while she sat next to the fountain. No matter how much she tried, she couldn’t stop thinking about her siblings and the green-eyed man.
As long as she didn’t dip her fingers into the water, it remained as clear as any other fountain. The longer she stared at the water, the more curious she became. She knew what had happened in the past, but she also wondered if the water would give her a glimpse of the future.
“Will we find my siblings? Can we savehim?” The questions rolled from her lips as she kept her hands in her lap. “Will Sarus ever be able to open his realm again?” Her mind turned to the woman sent to find Avel and Draven. “Are my friends safe?” There were so many questions she wanted to ask the water, but her father warned her against overusing it.
When her fingertips skimmed along the calm surface, she had every intention of asking about Avel and Draven. With no word from the woman, Violet wanted to know if the guys were safe, happy. Instead, an entirely different image appeared in the water. As she searched the scene in front of her, she didn’t hear the approaching footsteps.
“Violet?” a voice came out from the fountain. The more the woman sank her fingers into the water, the more it continued to call to her.
The familiar voice reached Sarus’ ears. He felt his entire world stop as he noticed the green eyes in the fountain. As much as he wanted to move forward and save his daughter, those eyes kept him in a trance. “Violet.” He swallowed.
Her eyes remained locked on the dual images. “It’s okay, Dad,” she whispered as she watched the scenes unfold. Her heart in her throat, she noticed each time the green eyes appeared in the different scenes before they shifted. “I don’t understand.” She licked her lips as her fingertips swirled through the water and caused the ripples to grow larger and expand the scenes that broke her heart.
Where are you, Violet? Wouldn’t you want to see them?
Sarus watched his daughter. She seemed entranced by whatever was in the fountain, but all the primordial witnessed were the green eyes. If he stepped closer, the water would darken. His heart broke when the green eyes vanished. “Violet, come over here. Now.” He offered his hand to her.
“In a minute.” Violet’s blue gaze locked onto a particular image. Suddenly, she jerked away from the fountain. The image replayed in her mind as she blinked at Sarus’ feet. “Dad? What happened?” She glanced around the garden and shook her head. It felt like she was within the scene. Then nothing. “Why did you pull me away from the fountain?”
Before Sarus could speak, he heard water dripping from the fountain. A chill crawled up his spine as the primordial turned back to the fountain. When the water overflowed, Sarus snatched Violet’s arm and went to phase away, but he couldn’t move. He tossed his daughter across the garden as fear laced every part of his being. “Run, Violet.”
A watery figure formed within the fountain. A set of green eyes locked onto Violet before a brief image of a face was shown to her.Thank you, Violet. This will help the pain.The water surrounded Sarus before it turned black.
“Run, Violet!”
“What? Dad?” Violet stared in shock before she ran for her father. “Mac! Asmodeus!” She skidded to a stop before she touched the black water. “I saw her.” She licked her lips as she stared at the watery figure’s green eyes. “Your scribe. I saw her. I know who she is there. You can’t take my father.”
Her heart pounded. “Please, I’ll tell you how to find her. Just leave him alone.” She reached for the black water as her raven fought against her. She couldn’t let anyone hurt Sarus.
As soon as she touched the black liquid, Asmodeus wrapped his arms around Violet and phased her away. Mac rushed into the garden with a few of the fairies, but it was too late. “Sar!” The demon cried, but the water pulled the primordial into the fountain.
“Thank you, Violet.” The water figure whispered. “I now have what I need.”
Before Mac could slice the figure, every droplet evaporated from the fountain. The jaguar trembled before he turned his gaze to his crying mate. The demon shook his head when he shifted his eyes to meet Asmodeus. “What happened?”