Page 53 of The Jaguar's Flower

Tears slid down her cheeks before she buried her face against Mac’s chest. The pain and anger were almost too much for her as she sobbed against her mate.

Mac felt speechless when Sarus shook his head. The jaguar cradled his mate as he rocked her. He pressed his lips to her head, whispering for only her to hear. Whatever pain or emotion she felt, Mac would help her through her, no matter what.

“I’m sorry.” Sarus rubbed his own temples before sighing. “I’m sorry, daughter.”

Violet took her father’s hand when she felt like she could breathe again. “We’ll figure it out.” She bit her lip. “Can you send us to our room?” A fresh wave of tears threatened as she watched her father. “Please? I want to talk more later, but I need my mate for now.”

“Of course, V.” Sarus touched her shoulder before giving a last nod to Mac. “I’ll see you both soon.” He phased them out of the garden.

Chapter thirty-six

GivethismessagetoGwen.Asmodeus remembered Sarus’ order as he held the flimsy paper in his hand. Every step he took as he headed to the Red Garden made the demon antsy. The last time he came here, the fire demoness almost burned his arm off because of a silly joke. Of course, to him, the joke had been silly. When Sarus spoke with him, the demon felt foolish about his actions.

“Gwen?” the demon whispered. He noticed the deep, red roses around the archway that led into the fire demoness’ garden. Every rose held a different shade of red, with the tips darkened to almost black. Since Gwen’s arrival, Sarus ensured the garden was to her liking. No one was allowed to touch them.

Careful with his movements, the demon reached an opening before a sudden heat wave brushed along his side. He immediately ducked before a fireball almost collided with his body. “Gwen! It’s Azzy!”

“Go away, Ass,” Gwen grumbled as she stomped the fire in the grass. Each time she thought she had her flames under control, they flared to uncontrollable life. Sarus promised she could visit her brother if she could manage her fire. So far, she’d been unsuccessful in gaining any control over the flames that lived within her.

She shot another fireball at him when she still felt the other demon’s presence. “I said, go away. None of the fairies are here, so you have no reason to be here, either.” She stared at the doorway to the garden for a moment before she tried again with the fire.

“I come bearing gifts!” Asmodeus kept his hands over his head as the demon remained on the cobblestone. “It’s a letter for you!” He waved the flimsy sheet between his fingers. When he poked his head up from under his arms, the demon spotted Gwen. “I’m not searching for the fairies, either. What if I came over to talk?” He sat up.

“You didn’t.” She glared at him. “You just said you brought a letter. From Sar?” Her heart thundered as she wondered why the primordial sent a letter instead of coming to talk to her himself.

After a moment, she phased in front of him and held out her hand. “Give.” Her foot tapped as she waited for him to place the letter in her hand. “Is he still upset that I almost burned Thingy? It wasn’t my fault.” She peeked at Asmodeus through her lashes.

Asmodeus shook his head. “You know he calls Thingy, Tulip. He’s still Thingy, and I think he likes it, too.” The sin tried to be amusing, but Gwen didn’t smile. He sighed. “He is sending you out to get two people. Two hotties, I’m assuming, but damaged to all hell.” He chuckled lightly. “Wait, did you think Ruru was upset with you?”

“He always comes and has dinner with me but hasn’t been here. Not since the incident with Thingy and Rin. Rin deserved it, though.” Gwen huffed as she read over the letter. “Daughter? Mate?” Her head jerked up to meet Asmodeus’ eyes. “Since when does he have any children? The fairies are his children.”And us.But she didn’t say the words aloud. Since Rick brought her to Sarus’ realm, he treated her as if she belonged. Even when she destroyed his gardens with her flames.

Asmodeus said nothing for a moment. He noticed how her eyes kept returning to the letter, and the demon frowned. “She showed up with a reaper. She’s his last child, and I vowed never to speak of Violet until she returned to us.” When Gwen’s flames danced over her arms, the sin demon reached into his pocket and pulled out an ivory box. “You are his child, too, Gwennie. I know you don’t like to admit it out loud, but who wouldn’t want to be adopted by Ruru?” He smiled as he handed her the box. “It’s from him.”

“Who said I wanted to be adopted?” Gwen stared at the box. “I still have my brother, even if I can’t see him often.” She took the box from the demon. “Is he going to come back for dinners? Eventually? Or is he staying with his daughter?” Her eyes stayed on the box, afraid to open it. “Why aren’t you being sent after the men? You know Earth better, and I can’t control my fire. He knows what happens if I accidentally burn a neighborhood again.”

“First, let’s go back to your other questions.” Asmodeus kept his gaze on the cobblestone beneath them. “Do you really think Sarus would ignore you? The past day or so, it wasn’t supposed to be a complete disregard to you or your mealtimes.” The demon gave her a sad smile. “But do you really think he would ignore you, of all people?”

“He’s got one of his actual children back.” Gwen’s eyes dropped to the burned grass beneath her feet. “I doubt she destroys his gardens or has to stay away from everyone else.” Most days, Gwen was a walking fireball because she couldn’t control her flames. “I can’t blame him for wanting to be with his own kid.”

It took everything in Asmodeus not to reach out to her. His heart broke for the fire demoness. “He’s not like that, Gwennie. Ruru can be scary, but not with his children.” He pulled his legs up to his chest as he thought of Violet and Mac. The demon nibbled on the inside of his lip before he answered her other question. “Did you ever hear about why I never leave the realm?” When she shook her head, Asmodeus continued. “When Violet was born, I was sent to deliver her to her new family.”

He licked his lips as his arms held his knees. “Green Eyes found out that time, and we all know I’m a lazy demon. I’m sloth!” He grinned with a slight shrug. His eyes never met Gwen’s. “He scared me, Gwen. I never felt fear like that before. Suddenly, I used all my powers to protect not only me but Violet. For over a decade, we had peace.”

Asmodeus inhaled deeply before slowly exhaling. “You arrived at the end of that decade, and Sarus knew the peace was gone.” The demon finally glanced at Gwen. “I have a target on my back, whereas you don’t. Trust me, Sarus would rather not deal with it, but Violet begged. He thinks it will also help you in seeing your brother and helping your fire.”

“The last time I asked to see Rick, he said I could if I can show him I can control the flames.” Gwen finally raised her head. “I can’t. If Green Eyes is after his children, then I’m safe since I’m not one of his. At least from him, I’m safe.”

She sighed as she slipped the ivory box into her pocket. “That’s why he wants me to go to earth. Not only do I have someone there, but Rick can track these two.” A bitter taste formed in her mouth. “Green eyes won’t sense when the portals open since I don’t belong here.”

Before Asmodeus could speak, a rustling sound caught their attention. As Gwen prepared a fireball, the demon was prepared to play dead. Whoever disturbed the Red Garden wanted a death sentence. He covered his head until a voice reached his ears. He peeked between his arms as he noticed the primordial. “Oh, looky, Ruru!”


“Fine, I get it.” Asmodeus rolled his eyes as he rose to his feet. He spared Gwen one final look. “Gwennie, you always belonged here,” he whispered before phasing out of the garden.

“You didn’t have to send him away. I was getting ready to leave.” Gwen held up the note in her hand. She ducked her head until her blonde hair formed a curtain around her face. “If it weren’t important, you wouldn’t have asked. No need to bother with reiterating how important it is to find your daughter’s friends.”

Sarus didn’t say a word until he sat beside her. He offered his hand to her and waited as he spoke. “I should have come to our meals. I’m sorry I missed them, but I don’t have any excuses except I was in a bind. However, I am here now.” His eyes flashed to the color of his roses in the main garden. “I can’t let you leave thinking you aren’t part of my home, lilly bug.”