“I spent several weeks in bed. The doctors said it was a serious break. I ended up having to have surgery.” She grimaced at the memory. “So my mom homeschooled me during that time. That was when my parents realized I was a lot smarter than the other kids. Pretty much the beginning of the end of a normal childhood.”
When she pushed his vest from his shoulders, she met his eyes. “When I went back to school, the other kids treated me differently. I didn’t fit in before that, but it was worse after. Mom being mom, she thought I needed to be in classes that matched my intelligence. Twelve in high school. By the time I took my first college course, I was fourteen. It made for a lot of awkwardness.”
Mac listened to her as he helped remove her sundress. “How was it awkward? Intelligence is prized. Emotions are-” He cleared his throat. The jaguar knew everything he learned in the facility had been false. He wasn’t sure what was right or wrong anymore. “Explain to me how it became awkward?”
She helped remove his vest and tactical belt. Once he placed it to the side on a slate of stones, he helped her step out of her dress. “What is a college course? Is that similar to the courses from the facility?”
Her hands stopped at the waistband of his pants when she kissed him. “I really hope so, but I don’t think they are.” As she opened his pants, she tried to explain. “They’re classes for higher learning. It was awkward because I was so much younger than the rest of the students. No one wanted to talk to me. They were four and five years older than me.”
She pushed his pants over his hips as she focused on his eyes. “At that age, most of the girls were getting ready to start high school, so I was a full four years ahead of them. They didn’t want anything to do with me, either. I was basically alone, except for my parents.”
Mac lifted her chin. “They were foolish. You are brilliant.” He rubbed his thumb over her cheek as he stepped out of his pants. “I don’t understand the way of the human world. It seems they have very different rules than the facility wanted us to believe.” When her fingers sank into the waistband of his boxers, he paused.
She helped him remove the straps on the small piece of clothing that covered her breasts. His eyes remained on hers as he cupped them. “Do you regret your childhood, Violet?”
“Sometimes,” she gasped as she stepped closer to him. “I wanted siblings or friends. Someone to hang out with. My parents were great, but they didn’t understand me. That was all I wanted instead of feeling like a freak.” She slid her hands over his chest. “I couldn’t have asked for better people to raise me, but it was lonely.” Her head shook. “I’m sorry. After everything you went through, I shouldn’t complain about something so stupid.”
“Don’t.” Mac moved his hands up to cup her face. “I enjoy listening to your life. I wish I could have lived it with you.” He placed a kiss on her lips. As the jaguar rested his forehead against hers, he breathed her in. “It sounds peaceful, even with the awkwardness. You knew love and happiness. I hope I can give that to you.”
She slid her arms around his neck. “What makes you think you don’t?” Before he could answer, she pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “You see me. Not the freak that was always too smart, or whatever it is I turned into back there.” As she watched his eyes, she smiled. “I didn’t think anyone would ever see me. When you look at me, I feel special without all the awkwardness.”
Mac didn’t have words to explain what he felt. The jaguar lifted her in his arms and kissed her again. “You’re all I see, Violet.” He stepped into the waters. Once they settled into the warmth of the pond, he sank his fingers into her hair as he gazed into her blue eyes. “What did you see for the future?”
“Before I met you, I planned to spend my life alone. My genetics research was my only focus. It was why I signed on at the facility. They offered a chance for me to work in a lab alone with some of the best equipment available.” She cupped his cheek. “I didn’t know what they were doing. It wasn’t in anything I read, but I didn’t read the contracts as carefully as I should have. A lot was going on when I was offered the position.”
She bit her lip. “I still want to continue my research. You’ve seen that it’s not a painful endeavor, even to gather the needed samples. But I want to spend my life with you.” She wasn’t sure how he was going to react to that, but she needed to say it out loud. “I won’t force you to stay. You have choices. I’m sure Sarus can send you back if you don’t want to be here.” It would hurt, but she refused to make him stay.
“Why would I leave?” Mac frowned. “If I did not want to have a future with you, Draven or Avel would have come to your rescue.” He answered honestly. “I wouldn’t have seen you during our late-night visits, even when asked not to. I would have compromised the mission.”
When his thumb rubbed over her bottom lip, the jaguar leaned forward to kiss her softly. “I risked it all for you, Violet. I saw hope, and this time I wasn’t going to let it go.”
“You never have to let go,” she whispered against his lips before she kissed him. As she drew back from his lips. “What do you want out of the future?” Her eyes focused on his and the way the water reflected in them. “I mean, there’s a lot you can do when we go back. Not to the facility, but back to earth?” She wasn’t sure how realms worked. “Is there something you want?”
Mac grabbed one jar and placed the soapy substance in his palm. The jaguar rubbed his fingers against her arms and shoulders as he thought about his answer. “I never thought about it.”
His fingers glided over her breasts. He carefully rubbed before sliding the suds over her sides. “I always assumed my life would be an eventual death at the facility. When I thought of escape, I only thought of no more rules or experiments once I got my freedom.”
“I met you.” When his hands moved up again, his thumbs rubbed over her pert nipples. “Wherever we are, I want to see what happens. If that means learning your craft, I can’t promise I will completely understand, but I will do it.”
She gasped as his thumbs teased her nipples while she tried to focus on his words. “You don’t have to learn genetics for me to be happy.” Her body shifted over his lap until she moaned. “I want you to find something that makes you happy. Science isn’t for everyone. You can do and be anything, Mac.”
She cupped the back of his head and brought him down for a kiss. “I’ll love you no matter what you choose. Even if it means you spend years figuring out what makes you feel complete. That’s what you and genetics do for me.” She nibbled along his lips. “I want you to have the same thing.”
The longer she felt his gentle touches, the more she knew she didn’t want to part from him for longer than necessary. “We have options and choices.” Her hands slid over his shoulders. “I just want you happy and to know the facility’s teachings were all wrong.”
He cupped the water to rinse the soap off her skin. “Then I will explore every option as long as you are with me.” Before she could answer him, he captured a nipple with his lips. His hands slid over her back as he pulled her closer to him. The aroma of the flowers and her fragrance excited him on a different level. Here, Mac felt peace. No coldness or cameras from the facility could watch them.
When he released her nipple, he trailed his lips up her neck until he captured her lips. “Together?” He swallowed as he waited for her complete acceptance.
As her hands trailed down his body, she paused at his question. Her heart raced in her chest before she nodded. “You have me. Nothing can change that.” She leaned into his chest and kissed along his cheeks before she pressed her lips to his ear. “I don’t want to be apart from you.”
Her hands slipped beneath the water as they traced over his harder body. “Always together, Mac.”
Chapter twenty-six
Macgaspedasherhand wrapped around him. When she let go, he thought nothing else could feel amazing until her fingernails traced every muscle on his side. He tensed as the jaguar nuzzled her nose and purred. Mac felt vulnerable. Yet, even as she touched and kissed him, there was no doubt in his mind she would hurt him.
“This feels different from before.” Mac traced his own fingers down her body until they rested on her hips. “Not bad. It feels good.” His lips kissed her damp skin. She tasted like petals from a rose. When she moaned, he nipped at her neck as he pulled her hips forward. “Tell me what you feel, Violet.”