Page 37 of The Jaguar's Flower

“Then the baseline was wrong.” Her head shook as she realized she inadvertently lied to Mac. “I didn’t know.” She cupped his cheek. “You saw our genetic matches. Other than a few instances indicating physical attributes, we’re almost identical.”

“Even without realizing you were one of us.” Mac smiled. “You still treated us like we mattered. I don’t care what happened at the facility. I know I am glad for one thing: you.” He cradled her against his chest in his lap. As Mac met the other men’s eyes, the jaguar nodded. “So what now?”

“A party?”

“Asmodeus.” Sarus sighed.

“Because you do matter.” She cupped Mac’s cheek and kissed him. “You matter to me.” Her head fell against Mac’s chest as she watched the other two men. They hadn’t lied to her, but she wasn’t sure she could trust them. “Why? Why send me away? And you keep saying mates. We’re–I–.” She grew flustered as she tried to explain. “More than friends.”

“Your first question. I’ll explain everything once we all rested properly,” Sarus answered. “For the next one, it’s more complicated than that. You are soulmates. That’s the simple explanation.”

Asmodeus groaned. “Soulmates who are bound together because of Fate. Not that difficult, Sarus. It’s part of the immortal world, and Vivi, you’re immortal. As for why Sarus couldn’t keep you.” Sarus phased him away from the garden before he could say another word.

“We will discuss everything soon. I promise.” Sarus nodded.

“Then we can stay together?” Her eyes moved back to Mac’s. “I won’t leave him. I promised he’d never be alone again.” Her arms slipped around his waist as she curled into his lap. “Please? It hurts too much to be away from him.”

Sarus gave her a soft smile. “Mates are never meant to be separated. You both will stay.”

Mac’s shoulders relaxed at the primordial’s answer. “Thank you.” He nodded as his arms wrapped around Violet. He pressed his lips against her cheek. “We are finally safe, right?”

“I don’t know.” Violet pressed her palm to his chest. “But I won’t let anyone hurt you again. I promise.” She glanced at the primordial. “You said to rest. Where can we rest?”

“You have your own room here.” Sarus waved his hand when they started to move. “Don’t worry. You’ll be in there soon enough. When you are ready to leave it, call for Asmodeus. He’ll come to get you.”

Mac tilted his head curiously. “Then when can we go?” As if the primordial waited for them to ask, the jaguar blinked, and he found himself on a lush bed with Violet. He caught her eyes before he placed a kiss on her lips. “Are you alright?”

“No.” She nuzzled his lips. “But I have you, so it makes it perfect.” Her fingers slid over his cheeks before she traced his jaw. “How are you not freaking out about any of this? I don’t even know what to make of it.” She chewed on her bottom lip.

“Last night, I was human. Today, I’m a raven. Creation is supposedly my father.” She caught his eyes. “Until the facility, I didn’t know anything like shifters existed. Now.” When she took a breath, she sighed. “You’re the only thing that matters. It’s easier to handle because you haven’t changed. You’re still everything I want, Mac.”

Mac nuzzled her palm. “I may not look it, but that’s because of my training. I am freaking out, Violet.” He smiled. “But with you here, my arms around you and feeling your touch, it’s not frightening. Not yet, until I don’t feel your touch.” He kept her hand pressed against his cheek. “So, let’s focus on this. Then we can assess the rest. Alright?”

She nodded before she kissed him. “The rest doesn’t matter. Just you,” she murmured against his lips as her arms tightened around him. “After your memories in the sleep trance, I don’t want to sleep. I’d rather have a shower and wash Renfield off of me.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do.” Mac grinned. “We both need it.”

Chapter twenty-five

Whentheyenteredthebathroom, Violet paused as her breath caught in her throat. “It’s beautiful.” Her hand tightened around Mac’s as she took in the entire scene. Vines covered in flowers wrapped around a large pool fed by a gentle trickle of water. Smooth stones lined the floor and inside of the pool.

When she touched the side of the pool, the flowers grew more vibrant. The soft yellows and pinks transformed into shades of gold and fuschia. It took her breath away, but the sight of Mac reminded her this was real.

As her gaze met Mac’s slate gray, she smiled. “Are you sure you want to do this? I mean.” She chewed on her bottom as she hesitated. “Do you want to bathe together?” Without the facility, she wasn’t sure how long he would want her at his side.

The primordial called them soulmates, brought together by fate. It wasn’t something she necessarily believed in. However, before the facility, she didn’t believe shifters existed.

“Are we sure this is a bathing room?” Mac asked. The vines that hugged the wall intrigued him, but not as much as the vibrant flowers that seemed to glow around Violet. Her floral fragrance mixed with the rest of the aroma of the bath, and it calmed him. “It’s difficult to see this as a bathing room. I am used to concrete and icy waters.”

He linked his fingers with hers before bending forward to touch the water. The warmth from it almost felt like Violet’s embrace. “What exactly is this place?” Mac whispered. “It’s calming.”

“He said he was Creation.” She leaned closer to the flowers and inhaled. “When we woke up, we were in a garden. It makes sense, but I don’t see any soaps or anything.” As if the plants were alive, they separate to reveal small jars that matched the colors of the petals. “I think he likes nature or creates it?”

She shrugged as she turned to face Mac. “It almost reminds me of a lake we used to vacation at when I was a kid. My parents took me there every summer to get away from the noises.” The longer she stared at the intricacies of the pool, the more the details cleared. “Everything needed for a bath is hidden among the flowers and vines. It’s beautiful and fascinating. Almost like we think it, and it appears.”

He lifted one jar before the jaguar popped the lid open. The scent reminded him of Violet’s. When Mac offered it to her, he smiled. “This is your scent. Slightly different, but it’s you.” Once he set the jar down, he cupped her cheek to kiss her. “Tell me about you. I want to know more.” Mac helped ease off the small coat from her shoulders.

“There’s not a lot to tell.” A faint blush tinted her cheeks. “My mom was a schoolteacher, and my dad was in construction. We lived a pretty basic life until I broke my leg playing soccer.” Her hands went to his tactical vest as he guided her on how to remove it.