Page 24 of The Jaguar's Flower

Chapter sixteen

EachtimeViolet’seyeslanded on the empty table, she blushed as she remembered the night before with Mac. While she waited, she paced and picked at the sandwich she ordered from the cafeteria before it closed. She couldn’t stand still as she waited for the time to tick by. After Draven’s strange behavior with her earlier, she grew more concerned.

She took a bite of the club sandwich and chewed with her eyes on the time. When it was only minutes until Mac was supposed to arrive, she wanted to peek out of the door. If they caught her, they would accuse her of trying to wander the facility without an escort. With her luck, Mac would be discovered and punished, so she continued to pace next to the computer.

Turn around. This is bad.Again, Mac ignored his conscience as he headed for the lab’s door. He took one last look behind him to ensure no one followed. Draven’s threats fell on deaf ears as the jaguar grabbed hold of the doorknob and turned it.

He wasn’t sure what to expect as the shifter entered the room. Part of him wished to catch Violet on the table again, but Mac knew they played on dangerous ground. He shut the door behind him while his gray eyes landed on the petite blonde. “Violet.”

“Mac.” She set the rest of her sandwich aside and went to him. Part of her hesitated as she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him. “I’m glad you came tonight.” After the night before, she wasn’t sure he would return. “I wanted to explain last night, but we didn’t have time.” She grabbed his hand and led him over to her computer.

“Do you remember when I showed you the samples before?” She smiled at him and waited for him to nod. “I didn’t want you to think I was continuing my research for Renfield, but I am continuing my research. If I can discover a way to prove genetically that shifters exist, then no one can disprove it. You’ll be free, and safeguards will have to be put into place so this doesn’t happen again.”

Mac stared at the monitor. As she explained the samples on the screen, he nodded. Truth be told, the jaguar didn’t know what any of the numbers or letters meant. “Would proving our existence be the best course of action?”

“Why wouldn’t it be?” She turned away from the monitor and faced him. “Humans have rights, and so do animals. It’s not a far stretch to believe shifters would be given rights. You are intelligent, sentient beings. You deserve rights and to be protected.” She squeezed his hand. “If you had rights now, they wouldn’t be able to have this kind of place.”

He craved to believe her. The idea of a better life for him and the other shifters seemed far-fetched. “These places exist, so we learn to control the animal side. Without these places, we would be mindless beasts.” Even as he said the words, the jaguar didn’t believe them. There were too many chances for the animal in him to hurt Violet. He didn’t.

“No.” She stepped closer to him. “You haven’t attacked me. None of you have. If you were so dangerous, why do I always feel safest with you?” Renfield terrified her while the rest of the staff made her skin crawl.

“Even when I’ve gathered my samples, no one even attempted to intimidate me. It’s not the nature of an animal to attack mindlessly.” She bit her lip and cupped his cheek. “If you truly believe that, why do you keep coming back to see me?”

Her touch calmed him. “Because I.” What could he say? He felt safe with her, too. The irony of that statement almost made him chuckle. A soldier seeking solace in a petite woman who showed nothing but kindness?It could all be a trick. Renfield could set us up for a trap with this woman.If that were the case, then why show her work? She hid nothing from him.

She waited for his words. He had none to voice. Instead, he cupped the back of her head and pressed his lips against hers. The jaguar hoped it was enough for an answer.

As soon as their lips met, she sank into him. Her arms slipped around his neck, and she pretended the facility didn’t exist. They both had a choice, and they chose to be together. It wasn’t true, but she liked the lie. Her heart begged him to remain safe, yet each minute he spent in this place put him in danger.

He lifted her into his arms. When her body melted against him, the jaguar purred. The action frightened him for a moment. As her fingers caressed his neck to his shoulders, he accepted the strange rumble in his chest. She brought him peace. He didn’t care about losing sleep all these nights. As long as it brought him back to her, Mac found it all worth it. “We need to plan.”

His words made sense. His body, however, craved something else. When Mac placed her on the steel table, his mind warred with him again.Draven will kill you. This is foolish.Was it? He kissed her again.

She cupped his cheeks and watched his eyes. “What’s wrong?” Her lips brushed against his before she deepened their kiss. “Is something going on? Draven was acting weird today, too.” Her thumbs brushed along his stubble-covered jaw. “Please, Mac. Tell me if something is wrong.”

Don’t tell her anything. It will compromise the mission further.Mac shut his eyes as he nuzzled her palm. When she drew his attention back to her, he caved. “I can’t be trusted, Violet. Draven has his reservations toward me, and they are justified.”

“No, they’re not.” Her fingertips traced over his lips. “If you were going to hurt me, you would have. Draven is suspicious of everyone.” She watched his eyes. “I’m sure you all are because of what’s been done to you here. It’s not your fault.” She leaned into him and kissed him again. “I’d rather be with you, Mac. If you were that dangerous, I wouldn’t be comfortable around you.”

“Even if I killed someone?” Mac asked. He moved his head to the side when she stared into his eyes. He didn’t want to see the judgment from her. The jaguar received it from everyone in the facility. “Because I have killed someone, and he was close to me, Violet.”

Her heart broke for him. “That doesn’t mean I need to be afraid of you.” When he refused to look at her, she sighed and laid her head against his chest. “This place has hurt you. In ways I’m not sure I’ll ever understand. Normally, I don’t condone killing, but this place is evil. If you killed someone, I can’t see you doing it because you enjoy hurting someone.”

Tell her how you killed him. It’ll frighten her.It would defeat the purpose Mac desired. He didn’t want to frighten Violet. “It was out of mercy. I will always hold the guilt and blame because of it.” When she cupped his cheek, he finally turned his attention to her. Her blue eyes locked with his gray ones. “Draven worries for you, and I can’t blame him. I worry about you, too.” He cupped her cheek while his lips hovered over hers. “But I also want you.”

“That guilt you feel.” She laid her palm against his chest. “It means you have a heart. You’re not driven by animal instincts.” Her lips met his. “You have me, Mac. I worry about all the shifters, but I worry about you the most.” As she kissed him, she savored the unique taste of him. “I’m yours. As much as I shouldn’t want to because I’m afraid you are only giving me what you think I want so you don’t get punished. I want you.”

“Then tell me what you really want?” He kissed her again. “I’ll tell you what I want without the rules set in place because of this hellhole.” He swallowed as his hands moved against her thighs.

“You to stay with me. I hate when we have to part ways.” Her hand balled against his chest. “I want you. All of you.” She chewed on her lip and blushed as she whispered, “More of last night, too. You make me want things I didn’t know were possible.”

Mac pushed her dress up to her hips. “Explain them to me.” He growled low as he pulled her closer to the edge. Her heated sex rested against the hard length of his cock. He wore drawstring pajama bottoms instead of his usual tactical pants and a thin t-shirt. Damn whatever Draven wanted. “I can’t stay away from you, even when I’m given so many warnings.” He kissed her deeply as his fingers slipped between the waistband of her panties.

The warmth of his hand made her gasp as she slid her arms around his neck. “To feel you touch me,” she whispered against his lips as she pressed closer to him. “It feels better when you touch me.” When his hand sank lower, she bit her lip. She wanted to tell him so much but was afraid to voice all of it. “I want to feel you in bed with me. Lay next to you and know you’re safe.”

“Is that all you desire from me?” His breath teased her lips. He trailed his lips over her neck to her shoulder. The thought of biting her slipped into the forefront of his mind. He ignored the urge. “Go into detail, Violet. Do you want more of this?” His finger slipped into her panties. He teased her clit, then slipped a finger through her folds before he pulled back. He sucked her juices from his finger while he gazed into her blue eyes. “Or do you want us to actually sleep beside each other?”

Her gaze remained on his mouth as she bit back a groan. “Both. I want your touch. To feel you slide your fingers over me and into my pussy.” It was difficult for her to speak how he wanted, but she forced herself. “Have you beside me as you rub over my clit. Fall asleep with you. When we wake up, to know that you’re there. Not just for the way you make me cum. For the way you hold me and kiss me. You make me feel special.”